Study in France Fully Funded Scholarship 2023-24 (For Pakistani Students)

Study in France Fully Funded Scholarship 2023-24 (For Pakistani Students)

Here I am going to share an opportunity to study in Europe in 2023-24. It’s a fully funded scholarship for Pakistani students who want to persue their higher studies in France but do not have enough funds. Please read all details carefully, and if you are eligible, apply with the links on their official website. (Links available at the end of this post)

The France Excellence Master Scholarship and the France Excellence for Climate Change Master Scholarship programs funded by the Embassy of France in Pakistan are targeted at Pakistani students residing in Pakistan to continue their education at the Master Level in France in the priority topics set up by the French and Pakistani governments: economics, public policy, environment & energy.


Fields where you can Apply

  1. Applied & International Economics
  2. Public Policy
  3. Energy & Environment
  4. Health & Food Risks
  5. Urban Planning
  6. Biorefinery & Biomaterials
  7. Sustainable Management
  8. Climate Change
  9. International MBA

Application Opening Time and Deadline

Opening of the application process: JANUARY 24, 2023
Deadline to send application: APRIL 2, 2023 at midnight

France Scholarship 2023 for Pakistani students

Benefits of French Scholarship

  • Exemption of national tuition fees in public institutions only – if any additional tuition fees, they must be paid by the students
  • One Return air ticket Pakistan-France-Pakistan
  • Student visa and Etudes en France fee waiver
  • Social Security
  • Assistance to find affordable student accommodation (priority access to CROUS residencies, subject to availability)
  • Free French language classes for one month before departure to France

Eligibility Criteria and  Rules

The applicant must:

  • Be a Pakistani national
  • Be 28 years old maximum at the time of application
  • The applicant should hold a 4 years bachelor’s degree (or be currently enrolled in the 4th year) with a CGPA of 3.6 out of 4 minimum from any Pakistani university recognized by the Higher Education Commission, Pakistan
  • There should not be more than a period of 2 years after the completion of the undergraduate degree.
  • Have applied for admission at an eligible French institution (see the list below) before applying for the scholarship, and get an acceptance letter from them (or being in the process of getting it)

Knowledge of French is an asset but not mandatory to apply for the scholarship.

Official Links to Apply Online:

1. France Excellence Masters Scholarship

Apply Now  

2. France Excellence for Climate Change Masters Scholarship

 Apply Now 

Thank you for reading this article. If you find it useful, please share it with your fellow students, so they can also avail these opportunities and excel in their careers. Stay tuned for more such updates.

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