AIOU Free Solved Assignment Course: School Organization Code: 513 Autumn 2013

Course Name : School Organization (Nazm-o-Nasq Madrisa)

Code : 513

Program Level : B.Ed

Year and Semester : Autumn 2013

AIOU Free Solved and Assignments , Keybooks and Notes are available on this blog.

Click on the images to Save on your local PC 

Pages 1 – Page 2 (First Assignment)


Pages 3 – Page 4 (2nd Assignment)


If you need any other help, let’s comment below. We will try to solve your issue regarding this course. Thank you for visiting us.



  1. Shahzaib

    i nee 513 code solved assigment and also 514 and 518.
    please i am waiting your Ans.

  2. sana

    ples send me complete solve assignments of b.ed cours 514 , 518

  3. kiran

    plz snd me assignment num 2 code 518 solution on my email address

  4. Ahmad

    Can u tell me important questions for prepare before exame

  5. Ahmad

    Can u tell me important questions for prepare before exame

    • aioupk

      Yes, you just focus on past semester papers and on assignments you have. 75% paper is from old papers and from current assignment topics.

      • anam

        from where can we get past semester papers?Plz rly

  6. alikhan

    pllllxxxx help me in ds Q i need it so impatiently its a B.ed prgramme and the Q is:
    taleemi mansooba bandi mai mahana ieaad o shumari ki kia ahmiyat hai? mukhtalif schoolou se jumat talba o talbaat ki teadaad hasil karne k liye goshware k kawaif kia honge ????

  7. fatma

    plz b.ed second smester ki 519 ki solved assigment send kr dain ya load kr dain.

  8. Sagheer

    Please send me full solved assigments code 513 autunm 2014

  9. sana-ur-Rehman

    provide impotent notice about nazam o nasaq madrissa

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