DAE Pre-Board Model Papers Applied Chemistry ET-132 1st Year 2014

This one is Past paper of DAE subject – Applied Chemistry for Electrical / Civil and all other courses which included this subject. It is Pre-Board exam paper of Polytechnic Institute. Hope it help you for preparations and take it as guess and find important question from it.

Subject : Applied Chemistry

Code ET- 132 (First Year)

DAE (Diploma Level) Pre-Board – PBTE

Year : 2014 /15

Medium : Urdu and English

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Applied Chemistry 132 DAE Papers 2014

This is local Exam of one institute but it is also have some value because you can get idea how to solve it and what are the important topics for this particular exam.  Specially the students of this RPI must prepare this , sometimes they again repeat the same pre-board paper as it is. So therefore I shared it here with you. Annual paper of Punjab Technical board is also already published in this site. Must find using our search bar or request in comment section below. All the very best of our side.



  1. haseeb ahmad

    please send the detail of 5 years solved papers
    of all subjects of electrical poly technique

  2. Asad iqbal

    Sir is dafa Jo supply ka paper hoga WO new Book she hoga plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz reply me

  3. mohsin iqbal

    UA supply kay paper qab huo ga2017 or paper gius sand kr da 123math kay

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