Download AIOU Tutorship Registration Form

If you want to apply for tutorship in Allama Iqbal Open University as a part time job, You are welcome. Here is a Registration form is available for Download to Apply for Tutor. You only use this form when registrations are open from the official side of University. Eligible Criteria and Other details are also given in the below form. You Just Download it and Read all details carefully before apply to any position in AIOU.

New Updates regarding Tutorship in 2015 – 2016 :

The applications are invited from the registered female tutors having qualification of M.A (Teacher Education)/M.Ed. The application form along-with copies of qualification certificates/I.D. Card, Tutor Registration Card be submitted to Room No.108, Block No.25, AIOU Regional Campus, Islamabad up to 30-11-2015. For further information, please contact phone No.9250171 and 9057608.

To confirm, please visit this link:

Download Tutor Registration Form

You also need Challan form of Bank to submit required fee, so you can also download online Bank Challan form for this purpose, Link is attached below.

Click here for Online Bank Challan form

Contact officials of further details, or leave comments below.


    • aioupk

      24 Feb, 2014 is last date to receipt application forms.

      • nnoor

        Can u tell me the procedure of applying for tutorship?

        • muhammad irfan

          download tutorship form fill it and mail it to the allama iqbal open university islamabad campus

          • NIsar Ali

            respected sir
            i have applied for tutor ship in the same university in feb 2014.
            they send me a letter of defficiency of M.Phil degree which i have send two months before.
            sir i have yet not registered and some important bills of mine are also stucked due to this problem.
            it is requested in your honour that pl on sympathetically ground solve my problem
            my cell no is

      • wt is d next date for apply?

        excellent web info

    • nnoor

      last date z 24,2014.
      .n cn u tell me da procedure hw to apply 4 tutorship???

      • aioupk

        download this form. Read all instruction given inside the for. Download challan form from the given link and apply for it by submitting form with the fees after filling form (also attached all required documents – details is given inside the form). You may contact on the given numbers.

    • rasanasaeed

      sir m m.a in special educ .ma na toturship k ly aply kia tha . abi tak nai pata chala mujy kasay pata chaly ga ???

      • Ahmad Honey

        Beta pata chal jaye ga dont worried 0345 7521959

  1. Fazalqadir

    M.A Islamic study. Application for tutorship.

  2. shameermalik

    msc.math can apply for tutor

      • Nasar Ahmad

        Sir g Form par to Fee mention he nahi ki hooe…aap hi bta dain.

      • Irfan ali

        dear sir tutor ship ki new jobs kab tak anii h or minimum qualificaton kitni honi chaiye meri B.Sc , B.Ed h

  3. rizwana

    application form will be submitted by post or by hand. What is the postal address?

      • Gull

        form will not b submited in any bank??????????

      • sanam

        Plz tell me i m sanam i have post my comment


          03004365676.pleace tell me how to make touter in aiou

      • Romaisa

        Sir, mai ne B.Sc, B.Ed aur C.T keya howa hair, aur ab mai Private school mai parati houn,
        keya mai Next Tutorship ko apply kar sakti houn ya nahi?????
        Sir inform me , waiting u……

        • Sir , Musharaf......

          Romaisa . Would u like b Registrar tutoship at Sarhad University ? plz contect by my mail

  4. Sajid Ali

    I am M.A.(Urdu) B.ed.I can apply for tutor?

    • aioupk

      Kindly download application form, read the eligibility criteria available on the form, if you comes in it, then apply for it. thanks sir.

  5. Sajid Ali

    My qualification is M.A.(Urdu) B.Ed. I can apply for AIOU Tutership?

  6. zafar

    form is not opening!!!!! which software should be choose?

  7. inbasat zahra

    i am inbasat zahra i can apply for tutor i am m.a in political science p.u . b.ed ,m.ed from aiou

  8. Tehmeena sarfaraz

    sir i have passed Msc in Geography…..can i apply for tutor…plz sir tell me

  9. sanam

    Plz tell me that i can apply in math tutor mn ne MSC to complete kr liya hai but abi tk registration ni krai hui to kya mn just apna cgpa just mention kr sun?

    • zia bakht

      nops u have to aply for registration first

  10. ayesh

    am msc sociolgy cn i aplly for tutiorship?

    • aioupk

      plz read the instruction inside the form. If you are eligible then apply for your desired position.

      • Mumtaz

        Dear sir

        sir main already aply kar chuki hn but koi responce ni kya main dobara apply kar sakti hn tutorship k liye? B.A / B.Ed base pa apply kiya tha ab main M.A kar chuki hn can u tell me plz me w8ing Thanx sir

    • akhtarzaib

      ap university may ajaye apko form miljayega

  11. nahid

    aoa i am nahid i have done master in computer science nd B.Ed can i join aiou tutorship….

  12. kiran Akhlaq

    how can i submit challan form?

  13. sami

    Sir plz tell me can I apply for this tutorship job , I have done LLB nd also m.a political science nd a practiceing lawyer.

  14. rehman adrees

    plz sir tell me tutorship k form jhang sadar punjab ky kaha submit ho gy …???

  15. sonia ali

    aoa plz can u tell me the course codes in which we can apply for tutorship my qulificatiin is mba ,social sciences and ma islamiyat plz tell me immediately Allah bless u

  16. Uzma

    mujay challan form ki smaj nai arai ksay fill karna hay any body help.waiting plzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  17. Nasar Ahmad

    Sir g meri Qualfication BA hy main Tutorship k liy apply kar sakta hon ya nahi…? Plz tell me Fast.

  18. Roshni

    Please tell me if we submit form by post then how we can get our applicant ID?

  19. i want to apply for job. i m already performing my duty as a wise principle

  20. robina nazir

    plz sir subject code bta dein math physics r chemistry k liaye

    • aioupk

      aap course codes ki field ko empty chor dein, wo ap ne fill nahi karni hain, wo office use kay liye hai sirf.

  21. Sir i am M.A islamic study. C.t, B.Ed M.Ed. Certificate in librarnship. Ia teaching in govt primary school. Can i apply for tutor ?

    • Nasar Ahmad

      Janab M. Ramzan sb aap ny certificate in Librarnship kis uni/institute sy kia hy..?Plz fast reply.mainy b karna hy.fee aur duration kitna hy..?

  22. Sir g I am M.A islamic study. C.t, B.Ed M.Ed. Certificate in librarnship. Ia teaching in govt primary school. Can i apply for tutor ? Plz inform me soon

  23. asifa rahim

    can you pleas tell me the procedur of form submision and adress

  24. Maria

    sir i have done my masters in psychology and b.ed. can i apply for tutorship?

    • aioupk

      yes, why not. Kindly read instructions given in the form. Thanks

  25. tutorapplicant

    what to write in these options if i am applying for the for the first time as tutor and have to experience at all in any institution?
    Status of Job (Tick the appropriate box)
    1 2 3
    In-Service Retired Re-employed

    11 Nature of Service (Tick the appropriate box).
    1 2 3 4 5

    Govt. Semi Govt. Private Student Other

  26. Fatee

    Plz tel me the number of seats for each group in sargodha district

  27. rizwan

    how could i write district of domicile as there are 3 boxes only and also how can i find codes to select subject iam intrested to apply

    • aioupk

      ek box khud se bna kar likh lein, or course codes aap ne nhi likhne, wo office use kay liye hain, wo khud likhein ge University wale, aap empty chor dein codes wali fields ko.

    • aioupk

      ek box khud se bna kar likh lein, or course codes aap ne nhi likhne, wo office use kay liye hain, wo khud likhein ge University wale, aap empty chor dein codes wali fields ko.

  28. Annie

    plz tell me course code number that fill in the form….

    • aioupk

      Course codes aap ne nahi likhne, wo only for office use kay liye hain, wo khud fill karen ge University wale, aap usko empty chor dein.

        • noor khan

          sir kia aj form jama krwanay ki last date hai ? sir courses kaisay pta chly gain k humy ks course k liye choose kiya gya hai , kia form py mention krna zrurui tha ya yh university walay khd decide krein gain k humy ks course py tutor bnana hai ?

  29. mehar un nisa


    agar hm 24feb ko form send karain tu wo 24 ko tu nai pohnchy ga tu kya ham send kar sakty hain k nai?
    plz reply

  30. mehar un nisa


    agar hm 24feb ko form send karain tu wo 24 ko tu nai pohnchy ga tu kya ham 24feb ko send kar sakty hain k nai?
    plz reply

    • aioupk

      no, University ne receiving date 24 feb btae hai, so make sure kay apki application 24 feb tak pohanch jae, for further information you may call on the regional office where you are sending your application, Phone numbers are available on the regional offices list at

  31. Sir g multan region m.a islamiyat ke waja sy form accept nahi kr rha . Ap ny kha tha k main aply kr skta hoon. So i requst you to order multan region to acept the form and extend the date because office is near to close.

    • aioupk

      kindly read the criteria available inside the form, if you met all conditions then apply for it.

      • noor khan

        plz tell k kia date extend hoi hy for tutorship jobs

  32. Ali Shah

    Sir, last date has been expired now. Will the university provides extension of time in case of delay?

    Reply and procedure of extension of time may be elaborated, please.

    • aioupk

      No, there is no extension of time now.. 🙁

      • Khukaley khana

        sir next tutership ke lie kab apply karni hai?

        • aioupk

          when tutorship registration will open again, we will update you on this site as well as on Facebook group

  33. Abdul Aziz

    Sir can you guide me that what is the last of tutor registration?

  34. Ali Shah

    (By aioupk
    No, there is no extension of time now.)

    Dear Sir, How does extension of time can be made possible? Is there any element, which can make extension of time possible?

    Reply Please.

  35. shaista

    When next time we will be able to apply? plz tell

    • aioupk

      approximately after four months from now. when next semester Autumn 2014 will be arrived. You will be informed here when tutorship registrations will open again.

  36. aoa sr plz sr update inform me about tutorship in commerce sections ad managment science . i have done with b.ed and dit.

    • aioupk

      this time there are no jobs, When Jobs will announced by the officials of University, We will update.

  37. zeeshan jamil

    sir i did and have 7 years experience as an accountant. can i get tutorship job in allam iqbal universty.


    I want to apply for tutorship when and how I can do this

  39. noor khan

    sir. plz tell k tutorship k leye men ne apply kia hy, us ka result kb tk aye ga and kahan se pata chalay ga

  40. Soha awan

    Plz let me knw the fresh date of tutorship in aiou???????

    • aioupk

      This time, registrations in tutorship are closed.

  41. hi
    new and fresh registration when will be open plz give new date…

  42. safdar

    when will come next tutor jobs in aiou. Plz tell me soon. Thanx. I m muhammad safdar. M.a urdu b.ed.

  43. ALIA


    • aioupk

      selected tutors ko latters send kiye jaein ge

  44. ALIA


  45. fehmida

    Main MA education hn tutorship Kay leyay apply karna chahati hn

  46. Zia

    I have come to know for tutorship of AIOU today. Can I apply for it now…?

    • aioupk

      no, its close now. when registration will be open again, We will update you.

  47. Alia

    please inform us when letters will be sent to selected teachers

  48. muneeba khan

    what is the criteria and qualificatin require for the tutorship in AIOU? i am and now doing M. phil(entomology)… I eligible for this job?

    • aioupk

      Download form and read the criteria and qualification requirements available in the form for tutors. There is different requirements for every post like Tutor of Masters level have required different qualifications and experience than for Intermediate level tutor. So you have to read them all carefully. Thanks

  49. sana

    Aoa, can u plz tell me how can I apply for the post of paper marker…

  50. Huma

    AOA please update about the result’s of tutor jobs.

  51. bilal

    aoa.sir plz tell me k tutors ki jobs kb tk finalize hungi

  52. azka

    i also want to become paper marker of aiou .i did botany recently tell me procedure ?

  53. sadia hina

    Sir I want to apply for tutorship. Can I? Will you announce tutorship seats again? R is there any chance to get other job in aiou. M doing M.ed.

  54. Zulfiqar ali

    i m tutor of aiou , i need payment chart . send plzzz

  55. bilal

    aoa zulfiqar bhai tel me plz tutors ki selection hu gai kia?

  56. Kalee

    sir i want to do a job in aiou as a lecturer plz guide me. i have m.a in communication studies +b.ed.

  57. khadija

    how can i apply for aiou tutorship,plz tell me everything about this

  58. Miss Shaheen

    Qualification: MSC (Economics) & B.Ed
    Need a tutor ship…..
    wiating anxiously……

  59. Sajid Hasnain

    sir, plz inform me, that i have done B.Sc (Computer Science) from UOP, and C.T and B.Ed from A.I.O.U, but i m working now in District Courts, Can i apply for next tutorship???
    Plz reply me Sir, Inform me Plzzzzz

  60. Romaisa khanam

    sir plz inform me, Recomendation Head Of Institution se must hai ya nahi???
    reply plz , waiting…… u

    • aioupk

      this application is expired now.

      • Sajid Hasnain

        Sir inform me, mera Qualification B.Sc, B.Ed our C.T hair, mai District Courts mai kam karta houn our mai tutorship ko apply kar sakta houn ya nahi, reply plz, inform me. thank you.

  61. sajidmahmood

    sir m ne tutorship k liay aply kiaya h likn javab nahi mila sir please answar me

  62. moarij shawal

    tutorship ki next vacencies kb aaiengi? kindly tel me sir

  63. Sajid Hasnain

    Sir inform me, Mera Qualification B.Sc , B.Ed aur C.T hai, mai District Courts mai kam karta houn, aur mai next tutorship ko apply kar sakta houn.. plz sir inform me .

  64. Tasleem akhter

    I WAnt to get tutorship.i m m.a m.ed.plz tell me procedure.

  65. Tasleem akhter

    sir i am very fond of studying and doing job in AIOU.Can you give me any job e.g tutorship, paperchecking?

    • aioupk

      Tutorship required for Autumn 2014 semester, last date to apply is 20th November, 2014


    How much the tutorship amount and what is the Bank name plz?


    reply me dear if anybody ther and know about

  68. sidra

    Hello sir I have done my masters in sociology from aiou and want to take tutorship can I apply??

    • aioupk

      Yes, But When Tutorship registrations will be opened we will inform you here. This time registrations are closed. Please download and read the above form for complete details to know what are requirements and experience is needed for applying thanks

  69. Asif ali

    A.A Sir,
    I have done my B.A Degree in mass communication from aiou and want to take tutorship can I apply?

    • aioupk

      Tutorship registrations are closed this time. When they open again, we will update. Apply criteria is available inside the form.

  70. Sadiq Ali

    A.A Sir,
    I have done my Bachelor degree in from Punjab university and want to take tutorship can I apply?

  71. afshan


  72. fozia

    Please can u tell me tutorship Ki vacancy dobara kb aye gy??

  73. fozia

    Please can u tell me tutorship Ki vacancies dobara kb aye gy?

    • aioupk

      yes, expected in September 2014 again.

  74. irfan saleem

    Date..12/7/2014 ………………..Time…..03:56
    i am a AIOU Studant ,ma ny 2004 main MATRIC main admission lya tha,2008 main ma ny MATRIC clear karlya tha,pher ma ny 2009 main FA mian admission lya tha ,2010 main ma ny FA clear kar lya,pher ma ny 2012 main BA main admission lya tha.2014 mian clear ho gya hai, ab ma ny MA TEACHER ADUCATION ,main admission lya howa hai plz sir job ki zaroorat hai ,abhi tak job nhi mili plz plz plz anyat ka deen ,ma bohat pary shan hoon sir bari mushkil sy mahnat kar k ap ki aiou main fee pay karta hoon sir ab himat nhi rah gaee plz madad kreen asa na ho k ak jaan baki hai woo bhi bech kar dunya sy cahla jawoon bohat gaam dehky haan ghar main khany ko kuch nhi hota tha lakin fees zoroor bahrta tha.asi zundagi ka kya faieda ,raab sy dua hai k mare umer bhi ap ko lag jye ,MARY PEARY ALLAH MIYAH mari umer bhi sir ko laga deen,ameeen
    name ..IRFAN SALEEM
    father name ..MUHAMMAD SALEEM
    MOBAIL NOMBER…0308 8207484


    Sir i want to know when will the tutorship registration open? please reply me


    I have done master in economics from punjab university and B.ed from aiou and now doing M.phil economics. Is there any job for me in aiou. I need it urgently. Please help me..

  77. m. a. rabbani

    Sir i want to know when will the tutorship registration open? please reply me

    • aioupk

      Not sure this time, When University Publicly announced the registrations for open University, We will update you in this blog.

  78. MALIKA

    Respect sir!
    i want to apply for tutorship of computer science.
    when new vacancies will declared???

  79. samia

    hi sir.
    kindly inform me, when will tutership posts will announced. i have done my master in chemistry’

  80. iqra bashir

    sir A.o.A………. I wanna apply 4 tutorship of maths…… can u tell me plz when will new vocancies declared?????????

    • farzana

      Salam,need a tutor ship job.plzzzzzzzzz help me….

  81. zahra zia

    can you please tell that when will next session for “Tutorship in Allama Iqbal Open University” start???

    • aioupk

      When will start again, we will update your here

  82. bano miraj

    sir when will i apply for tutor.i have m.a eco.nd m.ed continue plzzzzz rply

  83. tehmina

    aoa..sir mujhe bhi tutor ship my apply kerna hin..plz reply me

  84. mehvish farooq

    sir l have and B.ed degree.. can i apply ? what is the next date to apply for tutorship in 2014… ?

    • aioupk

      Hi, tutorship for AIOU is open again, You can apply now till 20th November, 2014

  85. Iram Akram

    Assalam o Alikum Sir,
    Sir i want to know when will the tutorship registration open? please reply me.Thanks

    • aioupk

      tutorship is closed this time, No Idea when registration will open again, When they announce for registration, we will inform you all here.

  86. sana sajid





  87. Romaisa

    Sir , Tutorship ko Government Servent Lazmi hai ya nahi?????
    Reply Plz Waiting u……

    • aioupk

      In normal cases, government servant hona lazmi hai, lekin depend karta hai, some time when AIOU need more tutors they also hire private tutors. Eligibility criteria is always given with applications forms.

  88. nagina shehzadi

    me ne materic aiou se kia hai. or me disable hon men safar ni kar sakti. mere walid ki deth ho gye he aur me mazeed thaleem hasil karna chati hoon app ke university me simester ki fees bhoth ziada he jo me mushkal se ada karti hoon abi thak admition nein le saki hoon app ke university N OC nein send nein ki he plzz NOC dein even me thleem hasil kar sakoon me app ke duaago hoon ge

  89. Farah Riaz

    Respected sir,
    I have just done intermediate with ICS from mirpur board and I am also a student of AIOU doing icom & last semester is going on. My roll number is AR-320201.
    And I have studied 5th 6th 7th 8th classes frim abroad, with CBSE course from THE MODEL SCHOOL, Mussaffah, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
    Sir i ‘ll love to have this job, please accept my qualification. I am from Rawalakot, AJK.
    Farah Riaz

  90. sidra khan

    I have just done b.a from Aiou and took admission in M.A ecnomics from PU.
    can I apply for tutorship?
    And when will open the registration?

  91. Nonababy

    my b.ed comlete sir tell me when tutorship come requested in obedinence

  92. Muhammad Sajid Qureshi

    I have done MA Islamic Theology (Islamic Studies) from Peshawar University in “A” grade when and how can i apply for tutor ship in relevant subject.

  93. Muhammad Sajid Qureshi

    What is the last date of MPhil Islamic Studies, Fee and how can i select subjects.

  94. Memoona

    A o A sir. I have done M.A Urdu and B.ed. plz inform me when next tutorship will com. Thanks

  95. saima

    AOA sir
    i want to apply as a tutor in aiou. I have 5 year exp of teaching in The educators school. one year of Fuji foundation. and know recently i govt job. please inform me as soon as registration for tutors start. Thank you so much

  96. steda farzana habib

    slam sir i applie for tutor ship onn feb 24, 2014 i m and M.ed from AIOU in 1st div.plz tell when will be result announced..and how will be informed..thanx

  97. syeda farzana habib

    slam sir i applied for tutor ship on feb 24, 2014 i m and M.ed from AIOU in 1st div.plz tell when will be result announced..and how will be informed..thanx

    • aioupk

      Selected candidates were contacted by officials. If not get any response, go and ap-ply again for Autumn 2014 semester tutorship till 20th of November.

  98. moazam faiz

    when does tutorship vacancies will come ??????????????????

    • aioupk

      Vacancies are open again, you can now apply as a tutor in AIOU for new semester Autumn 2014. last date to apply is 20th, Nov, 2014

  99. Uzma

    Assalam-o-Alaikum! Sir,
    I want to apply tutorship. I am M.A(Islamic studies) from PU. and M.A (Education) from AIOU and also B.ed. Please inform me as soon as when next tutorship vacancies will come. Thanks

    • aioupk

      W/salam, You can now apply for tutorship, AIOU open the registration to apply till 20th November 2014 for new semester Autumn 2014-15.

  100. Lubna Arshad

    a.a! Sir , I want to apply tutorship. I am B.Sc(Double Maths , Physics) from PU M.A(Islamic studies) from PU. and M.A (History) from PU and also B.ed. Please inform me as soon as when next tutorship vacancies will come. Thanks

    • aioupk

      w.s! Tutorship Vacancies are open now. You can now apply for it. Last date to apply is 20th November 2014. Please read above post again we updated details for registration in Autumn 2014 semester. Contact numbers are also given for direct contact above in any case. Thank You.

  101. sidra

    Salam sir can u plz tell me what is totur registration card ??

  102. sidra

    Aoa. Sir plz tell me how can we apply for tutor registeration card ?

  103. aila

    Aoa, sir is this post is for already registered tutors? and for fresh tutors the registration no is must or not?

    • aioupk

      No, Registration number and other fields are for official use only. You just have to put your personal details in the form. This is for fresh candidates who want to participate in tutorship.

  104. samina

    i want to apply for m.a(edu) last semester is continu then can i apply for tutor?????plz reply

    • aioupk

      No, It require some experience and require teaching experience in Government institute

  105. shumiala shahid

    I wqnt to apply a tutorship.I’m M.A (pol.sci) from PU.and B.ed from AIOU. Please inform me as soon as when next tutorship vacances will come ….thanks

  106. shumiala shahid

    Assalam-o-alikum! Sir,
    I am M.A ( pol.sci ) from PU.and B.ed from AIOU. Please inform me as soon as when next tutorship vacances will come. Thanks

    • aioupk

      oh, Last date for apply in tutorship was 20 November, 2014 which is passed recently. You are slightly late. When next tutorship will announced, We will update here.

  107. Muhammad Sami

    Assalam-o-Alaikum! Sir,

    When next date for tutorship will announce? Can u intimate me at my email address?
    I shall be thankful for this.
    Best Regard,

    • aioupk

      Yes, We will inform all of you by updating this post when again AIOU announce about registrations for tutorship in next semester Spring 2015

  108. malika abbasi

    is there any possibility to apply this tutorship no?
    When next date for tutorship will announce? can u inform me by my email address or contact number???????????

  109. malika abbasi

    can u tell me for the job procedure for paper checkers and when its posts are announced?

  110. aini

    Aoa..2015 ka semester kb start ho ga? aur new vacancies kb tk ai gi??

  111. aini

    tutor ship ki vacancies kab tk ai gi?

  112. Abid Hussain Abid

    I am M.A.(Urdu)P.U;B.Ed(AIOU) and Diploma of Associate Engineer(Electrical).Please inform me for tutorship ,if I fulfill the criteria.

  113. sobia naz

    i am masters in international relations and b.ed i want to apply for job lecturer or tutor ship in aiou please tel me last date and proper procedure for this to apply is form available in university in karachi

  114. sobia naz

    i am masters in international relations and b.ed i want to apply for job lecturer or tutor ship in aiou please tel me last date and proper procedure for this to apply is form available in university in karachi and even planning for m.ed rply fast

  115. naveeed

    kindly sir ye bataeay ga
    tutorship registration kub ho ge 2015 mai

  116. anila

    2015 tutorship vecancies k mutalik btain??????????????

  117. anila

    2015 tutorship vecancies k mutalik btain??????????????

    kb tk vacancies open hun ge????????

  118. gull malik

    Plz tutorship ki vacancies kb tk ayn ge.2015 ki….kindly plz inform me through mail…….

  119. huma

    i am B.A and B.ED continu .i want to apply as a tutor . i have one year teaching exp.
    plz inform me as soon as registration for tutor start .plz select me for tutor.
    plz replay .

    • HUMA

      2015 tutorship ki vacancies kab tahk ayn ge. plz plz plz inform me . email adders.
      plz replay me.

  120. samina mahboob

    AOA I Samina Mahboob d/o Mahboob Ahmad want to apply for AIOU tuitorship , I am BA B.Ed and have passed MA Eng part I from UOS .
    Kindly tell me the way of applying mentioned above.


    i want to join the tutorship? plz tell me how i will apply? there are vacancies available 2015 or not?

  122. naveeed

    tutor registration 2015 mai kub tak expected hai plz inform me

  123. mahboob ahmad

    i am mahboob i am B.A B.Ed iam govt teacher my sevice in govt secter 10 year i want apply for tutership in aiou plz send me critaria requiremen .all rules of tutereship send me plz

    • aioupk

      AIOU Open tutor registrations after every 6 months for each semester. Criteria is given in Tutor form. This time registrations are closed, when they open again we will update here. To get idea of their requirements and criteria please download above form and read it. Thanks

  124. mudassar

    Sir I am 10th and ccomputer 2 year dampla plz comet me phone 03041480258

  125. zoya

    sir main b.a cmplt ho gya h main apply kr skti hun tutorship k ley?

  126. zoya

    sir ap bata skty hain k paper nagrani main duty lg skti h r kasy apply krna pry ga main b.a kia hua h

  127. Gunno Arzoo

    Sir..! i want to join tutorship in aiou.Mu qualification is masters in islamic atudies from pu….b.ed from education university lhr…..passed m.a urdu part 1 n prepare for part 2 with continuos m.ed from aiou.plz tell me how n when can i apply….??
    Thank u.!

  128. madeeha karam

    AOA sir all the is time i cheak this but could not know when the new tutorship will announce hope this time we apply and become a part of aiou staff member.

    • aioupk

      Tutorship Jobs were closed in November, when university announced the registrations again for 2015. We will update here.

  129. abdul khaliq

    A o A sir,i am M. A. PAK . STUDIES and M.Ed . my teaching experience in govt school 13 year and i work now as DTE can i apply for tutorship plz tell me

    • aioupk

      Tutorship registrations are closed, when they open, you can apply

  130. abdul khaliq

    a o a sir ,plese tell me about tutorship job 2015

  131. sara

    a.o.a sir can u tel me what is date for applying tutorship jobs 2015…..i m m,a history n b,ed n m,ed continued plz plz tel me tutorship jobs 2015

  132. Muhammad Wajid

    I am M.A Urdu also having the B.ed And C.T degree plz give me a tutorship plz……

  133. abdul khaliq


  134. Muazzam

    I have done MA( IR ) and LLB.Can I apply for tutorship.When are the expected dates of next Registration/Application.Plz apprise.

  135. tabassum shaukat

    aoa pleez mjhe tutorship ki vacancy k bare men btain kb apply kr skte hen as a tutor 2015 men

  136. tabassum shaukat


  137. tabassum shaukat


  138. tabassum shaukat


  139. shakil ahmad khan

    slam. sir i am Govt PSHT teacher, i am BA,PTC,CT and BE,d .i have 21 years experience in teaching. can i apply for tutiorship for ptc,matric,fa,ct? plz ans me sir

  140. Sara fahim

    Sir please guide me when these vacancies will be announced in 2015….m & m.ed..

  141. saima ilyas

    Dear Sir,

    I am masters in English, with M.ED and having more than 10 years teaching experience total and almost 3 years experience in Government Girls High School level as SST. I would like to offer my services for the AIOU tutorship program.

    Kindly let me know when the registration is open for the same services

    Thank you in advance for your support,

    Best regard,

    Saima Ilays

  142. sania

    plz tell me its sallery pakg i m master in english lit

  143. sania

    i have applied but how can i know that i am successful

  144. huma

    plz kohi bata day tutorship ki vacanci kab open ho gi.


    plz kohi bata day tutorship ki vacanci kab open ho gi

  146. rizwana

    sir 2015 tuoter ship posts kub tak announced houngi kindly tell me about tuotership procedure….

  147. rizwana

    i have need to tuioter ship job these days….iam m.a islamic studies also having ptc degree …masters degree i have got 63% marks and ptc 68% kindlly tell me the job announcment date .iam very thankfull to u for this act off kindnesss.thank you….

  148. sundas

    aoa.can u tell me plz 2015 ki tutorship post kb aaounced hn gi?

  149. hashim gilani

    plz tell me when new tutor membership program be launched?
    i m a master degree holder in punjabi and want to be a AIOU tutor

  150. sidra

    Aoa sir today I receive my toturship registration card .. so plz tell me about next step

  151. Sidra

    Plz tell me 2015 ki tutorship reg kb start ho rsy han. ma 1 time to ker chuki hn.aur ma ne result b submit kerwa dia h.ab next ka kia process h?? Nd paper checking kerne ka kese apply hota mcs hn.

  152. rizwana

    tuiotership new programe kub announced hoga plz sir tell ,me about tuiotership …still waiting ur anss sir

  153. rizwana

    sidra ap na kub apply kiya tha plz tell me?//

    • Umar

      Dear Sir,

      kindly inform me when the tutorship vacanies will open.?

  154. Hafiz kashif

    Sir ji muje ya janna hai ke ma ne matric ke sare paper cler ho ge hai aibe tak result card nai aiye koi is ka batar hal bata day wasay aplai keya ho 600 ke saat

  155. Ayesha Karim

    me nay BA kia hai Bed kr rahi hn to kia me matric ki tutorship ke lie apply kr skti hn registration ki last date be bata dain sir………….

  156. qurat ul ain

    sir plz tell me when will the registration 2015 of tutor ship announced.

  157. Umar

    Plzzz tell me kay hm ny form ka print niklwa hai tutorship k liye ya online apply krna hai.?

  158. bushra

    Sir i need job n i m student of b.a in aiou so plz tell me how i can applied for tutorship in aiou…. Tell me plzzz

  159. Muhammad Abu Baker Saddeeq

    Sir jee main tuitor ship lena chata hou please kindly muje tutor ship de ke mashkoor farmain jee please kindly reply me on this number:03007710493
    Qualification : B.A . Be.d

  160. Noor

    Sir whenever tutorship vacancies will open for 2015 do inform us here we shall be very thankful to you.
    And is there any vacancy related to psychological field like psychologist or clinical psychologist for counselling and guiadance…???!

  161. Romaisa khanam

    Sir, when will Tutor ship job announced?
    plz sir inform me

  162. jbeen baig

    sir kindly bta dain how i can become A MEMBER OF MARKING STAFF IN AIOU

  163. Muhammad Abu Baker Saddeeq

    Tutorship Jobs were closed in November, when university announced the registrations again for 2015. We will update here and please reply me sir on this numbre

  164. Romaisa khanam

    sir I want to apply for the post of Computer Operator in AIOU,
    I am B.Sc ( Computer Science), B.Ed, C.T and M.Ed.
    Can I apply for tht?
    plz sir reply me

  165. Romaisa khanam

    what about Tutorship Job of Semester Autum 2015 ???
    Reply Plzz

  166. Romaisa khanam

    plz help me , I want to join AIOU Job as Tutor, I will thankful to u


      Romaisa Khanam,
      I am A.I.O.U Tutor , you can apply for this when the university advertise this provided you satisfies the required educational qualification as stated in the said Advt.
      For me, It is very nice work and We as tutors enjoys the activity.

  167. abdul khaliq

    a.o.a. plz. tell me about tutorship job 2015

  168. Mishal

    Asslam o Alikum Sir,
    tutor k Adres nahe ay abhe tak or 25 AUG last date hain Assignments kase submit karwaie.
    please help me sir.
    Thank you

  169. m tariq ismail

    please tell me about tutor ship for 2015 schedule

  170. waqar ahmed

    A.o. A my name is Waqar Ahmed from Sargodha
    my Qualification is B.ED . MA continec
    tell me tutorship job 2015.
    i want join AIOU Tutorship
    my contect nmber # 03009727176

  171. waqar ahmed

    A.o. A my name is Waqar Ahmed from Sargodha
    my Qualification is B.ED . MA continec
    tell me tutorship job 2015.
    i want join AIOU Tutorship
    my contect nmber # 03009727176

  172. Ijaz Ahmad

    I have done M.A.English.
    I want to take tutorship.

  173. saima

    aoa sir new tuotr vacncizz kb aa rhi han plllllllllllzzzzzz tell me

  174. A.D.Danish

    A.A.sir.Plz tell me 2015 ki tutorship job kb aa rhi hain . plz sir .my contact number is ;03447396495. e mail address is addanish12@gmail .com.

  175. Aqila Hafeez

    I want to become a tutor in AIOU. When will the next tutor jobs will announce?????? my qualification is m.a English and m.ed

  176. gul nawaz khan


  177. Sadia Attaria

    Salam,mn AIOU mn tutor ki job krna chahti hun apny he city mn,isk liye mjy kiya krna ho ga? kindly ans me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  178. maria

    helo koi ak Question hal kar da

  179. sumaira malik

    I have done MBA recently ,, could i do this job (tutorship) My degree is able to doing this job ?? if yes ,, then what will be the procedure to apply the job??

  180. M Shafique Akhtar

    Sir i am Msc chemistry,Bed,Med.Now i am working as SST(Bio/Chm) in govt school of this post only one year is passed..Sir tell me how can i apply for tutership..thanks

  181. Asadullah

    Dear Sir/ Madam

    I am from Mirpur Azad Kashmir . My Qualification is M.A , M.Ed ( C.T & B.Ed) Second Division .
    when i can apply for Registration as part time tutor . My teaching experience is 25 years.
    Asadullah Malik

  182. mohsan ali

    inform please about tutiorship job in 2015

  183. nasra

    Sir tutor job k ley kis tarah apply kar sakty

  184. shujaat ali

    Sir may nay F.a may admission liya hay Autum 2015or mujay abi tak confirmation nahe mila hay ye kab tak ho Sakta hay

  185. Mumtaz


    Plz tell me about tutorship job 2015 – 16


  186. rizwana

    Aoa sir plz mujhy btaen tuiotership new advertisement kub announced houngi one year se m still waiting for tuiotership job plzzz tell me m waiting ur answer thank you

  187. rizwana

    Aoa sir plz mujhy btaen tuiotership new advertisement kub announced houngi one year se m still waiting for tuiotership job plzzz tell me m waiting ur answer thank you

  188. rizwana

    Plz sir answered me about tuiotership programme ….kubtk announced houngi last year toh November mn announced hogai thin es bar qiun ni hui?????

  189. Muhammad rashid

    Kya 2016 may tutership form jama hongy please tell about

  190. Sidra

    A.a Can u plz tell me last date of apply for tutorship(AIOU)

  191. Sidra

    A.a Can u plz tell me last date of apply for tutorship(AIOU) 2016

  192. shakeel khan

    rizwana g aap to tutorship ka spelling he ghalat lekh rahe yor are….

  193. bakhtawar shah

    sir I have done m.Sc(economice)m.a (islamiat) p t c c.t b.ed and m.ed sir can I apply for aiou tutership sir plz kindly informed me

  194. Raja sidu

    Kindly inform me about the form submission date as I want to join tutorship

  195. iftikharkhan

    Sir kindly inform when tutorship jobs 2016 announced ?

  196. humara gull

    A.O.A kindly sir inform me when tutorship job announced

  197. Naqash

    yar pehle tutorship vecancies ki expected date jan or feb ki upload kr k phr november m q add de dia???

  198. sumaira farhan

    AoA sir. Main tutorship k liy apply krna chahti hn. Meri Maths,stats,economics main Bsc( margallah college ) se or BEd (Aiou) in science subjects. Plz answer me how can apply…?

  199. sumaira farhan

    I am interested in teaching . I also have 3 years diploma in tajweed Qur’an from alhuda international. Aiou main is liy apply krna chahti hn kyo k suna hy is Ka atmosphere bht nice hy

    • Kiran Malik

      AoA! aiou me tutor jobs kb aati hn…?i want to apply for it

  200. sumaira farhan

    Middle, matric,fsc, ki tutor ship bht achi kr skti hn baqi subjects k ilawa mera maths bht ziada acha hy

  201. Shahid

    i want to tutorship, so plz tell me what is prosess?

  202. abrarhussain

    Sir i want to apply for tutor ship pliese inform me how to apply for this .Im Master Degree holder from The University of Punjab Lahore in First Div and B.ed from AIOU and experiance of 7 year teaching in RSIT Rawalpindi Setlite town
    Abrar hussain.

  203. Tasbih Ullah

    Plz someone tell me about tutership apply for 2016. Thanks

  204. hina iqbal

    by Hina
    i want to tutorship . I am M.SC mathematics please tell me what is process? what is the last date?

  205. Fakhar Ul Islam Baloch

    Janab Tutorship 2016 k liay form jma ho rhy hain, last date be bta dain, shukriya

  206. HINA ARIF

    AOA,plzzzz anyone tell me about the vacency anouncmt for tutorship job??? My qualification is Msc Maths,and my bed in sci is continued…i am interesting in this job..plzzzz sir tell me the annoucemnt of date..

  207. S.umar kp kohat

    I have MA English degree, I want to seek tutorship. Plz tell me when will aiou announcing next in 2016.

  208. imran khan virk

    i have done my ma english and bed i want to get tuitorship from aiou plz in from me about new advertisment and how can get form its form

  209. Hussnain khan

    i want apply for tutorship AIOU my qualification is Msc sports science from BZU multan and B.ed from AIOU ,i am govt teacher ,,,plzz give me info at this nmbr,,03003777450

  210. Hussnain khan

    My qualification Msc sports science from bzu and b.ed from AIOU tell me ,i am eligible for tutorship ?

  211. kanwal

    please snd me 2016 tutorship part time job if have & also snd me workshop schdule of m.ed (dnfe)antum 2015 my roll#bc668155 nd also spring 2015 workshop schdule

  212. shafia kiran

    aslamo alaikum;;;Aiou kindly tell me is there any vacancy for tutorship;;;; and tell me the charges or fee ;;;thanks 🙂

  213. shafia kiran

    my qualification ;M.A (English) from P.U
    B.ED from AIOU 🙂

  214. saima irshad

    I want tuttutorship..please share the process


    sir sb poch rahy hain k touter ship kasy milti hai . mujy b bata dain pleace . i am waqas sandhu from kasur city .
    my comtect #03004365676

  216. fauzia iffat

    plz let me know how i can join for tutorship or examiner of assignments and papers thanks

  217. jamila bibi


  218. jamila bibi


  219. jamila bibi


  220. Mian sufyan

    AOA i hope u will fin and my, C.C.A Bsse(software enginreeing)continouse in virtual university of pakistan .sent u commnt for job

  221. nargis imran

    MA education with B.ed. i can apply tutor ship for aiou . soo how plzzz reply me must plzz

  222. nargis imran

    im liv in attock city plz tel me . i need job

  223. Irfan Ullah

    I am PST teacher. I have 3 year experience in govt education department and 5 year private school. I am master qualified in pashto. I have passed CT and Be.d also from aiou. Now I want a tutorship of SSC, FA, Ba, or CT, PTC, and Be.d. please tell me procedure. Thanks

  224. Irfan Ullah

    My contact number is 03456029170 for tutorship. Irfan Ullah

  225. Asif mehmood

    Asalam o alikum sir
    I am Asif serving in Pakistan navy from last 7 years as a lecturer I have done MCS and many other courses regarding computer science. Can I apply for aiou tutorship? My contact number is 03132377448

  226. Miss Faiza Ashraf


  227. Sadia bibi

    Aoa, sir men ny M.A Islamiat and M.A Edu kea hoa hy please agar is base py AIOU men totur ship ki vecences ayen to inform krna please.
    And phr kab tak vecence’s aa rhe hen?

  228. saqib saeed

    Dear sir,kindly inform me when tutorship job announced

  229. shaheena

    Can u tell me the date of AIOU tutorship job 2016

    • Shehzad Rasheed

      Sir! aiou tutorship apply krny ki last date kiya ha?
      Reply me thanks

  230. Howard Reeser

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  232. Naveed Anjum

    sir i am ma urdu b ed and i want to become the tutor of aiou

  233. M.Riaz Ali Shah

    please tell me tutership last date in 2017.Regards

  234. Aneela Alam

    kia tutorship kay liye mphil ki degree huna zaruri hai??+

  235. Aneela Alam

    I have completed my master in english literature,I do have b.ed and m.ed degree as well,moreover I have 3 years experience in goverment school while 1 year experience in private school..

  236. ch shabbir ahmad

    asalam o alikum sir I am EST teacher I have 25 year experience in govt education department I have passed (M, A .B,ed) now I want a tutor ship. ssc.FA. B.ED ,Please tell me procedure thanks

  237. sobia munir

    aslamoalikum !!!!!sir I have 10 years experience in govt education department .I have master degree in mathematics . plz tell me the last date of tutor ship in 2017.

  238. adnan shaiq butt

    main ny m.a urdu aur b.ed kia huwa hai kya main tutur ship k liye apply kar sakta hun ya nehi .aur tutur ship registration fee ka bi bta dein .plz sir reply zaroor kijiye ga.

    adnan shaiq butt

  239. Abdul Rasheed - (Muzaffargarh city)

    Aoa Sir, I am MA , M. Ed and want to registered as a tutor. please guide me and how i cab apply for registration.

  240. Ayesha

    I am m.ed I want to become.a tutor in aiou

  241. sajjad Ahmad

    I m going to apply tutor ship in aiou I m masterms in maths and b.ed
    And last semister of m.ed in process. Please tell me the criteria and requirements. Thanks

  242. M,Zia akbar

    aoa,i hope you will fine
    plz tell me tutorship registration last date
    in 2017

  243. Mr. Waseem Yaqoob

    Hy, I’m Waseem Yaqoob,
    I have done my master in mathematics
    and want to get tutorship,
    Can you tell me how can I get???
    My qualifications is M.Sc Mathematics + B.Ed

  244. asghar ali

    what is last date for regestiration of tutorship

  245. Dr.ijaz Ahmad

    Sir. I completed my PhD in Agronomy Agriculthre and working as Assistant Director Soil Conservation Gujrt and interested in teaching. So. I want to perform the part time job of tutor. Guide me in this regard.

    Dr. Ijaz Ahmad
    Assistant Director
    Soil ConservTion Gujrat

  246. Tahir raheem

    Somebody tell me about courses code, to chose in tutor ship application form, corses code are not mention in instruction.

  247. m jamal Adul nasir

    tell me last date for tuter registration 2018

  248. Muhammad Usman

    Please what’s the last date for the submission of tutor ship application form???

  249. Muhammad Usman

    Please what’s the last date for the submission of tutor ship application form???2018

  250. Muhammad Usman

    Please what’s the last date for the submission of tutor ship application form 2018-19???
    I have 5 years experience 3.5 years from Private and 1.5 from government school?
    Am I eligible for tutoring?

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