Statistics 2nd Year Model/Past papers of FBISE 2014

  Class :Intermediate 2 / FA

   Paper Name : Statistics

Education :- Federal

Category:- Old / 5 Year Past

Year :-   Paper of Different Years 

This website is also provide solutions of these Past papers

Statistics New Pattern:-

The subject based on calculations and combination of  different formulas is Stats studying .Statistics is a subjects like mathematics and you can get even full marks if your all answers will be correct .  We have all annual examination papers of this course , including its model and supplementary . The Statistics paper have three categories besides theory paper the Practical portion is also very important . The main reason of this if you failed in practical , then you have considered fail , and you enters in a row of supply students , so its very important part of your Statistics paper.

However , the theory is always important as examination and yours marks point of views. Two main categories given in theory part. The Objective have seventeen 17 choose the best answers . The important thing that you follow in this portion is to avoid over writing , so firstly you think and surely about your answer then mark with your pen , otherwise your minimum mistake is may become a reason of  your low grade in  Statistics.

 When we move to subjective part of  Stats we would find it will nineteen short answers (one or two questions may be extra or not) given in paper have a choice of Fourteen 14 . Second major part is long which is slightly difficult because it will be A and B parts of every long . Three long given in Statistics paper , the candidate should attempt just two any of them.

The  Statistics model , old papers with good prints are following . We also have some supplementary papers of many years which helps you to achieve highest marks .

Statistics 2nd Year Annual Examination Past paper of FBISE 2013


Statistics Intermediate Five Year Past papers FBISE 2014Next Portion of Subjective :
Statistics Model Paper of HSSC Part 2 Federal Board 2013 2014 The Starting Part of Objective are given in last (first ten MCQS given in last ) 1 to 10.
Statistics 2 Year Supplementary Past paper Federal Board 2014

Statistics Objective paper of Intermediate Federal Board 2013

Statistics of HSSC 2 Objective Paper FBISE

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