AIOU Admissions are Open in Autumn 2014 – Allama Iqbal Open University (Complete Details)

Admissions in Allama iqbal Open University – AIOU are open now (from 1st August, 2014) . Currently you can apply for all programmes offered by university, Intermediate, Matric, PTC / CT, Bachelors BA / B.Sc / BSCS and diploma level courses.

New update :  Allama Iqbal Open University again extends admission date till 15th October, 2014 with late fee

Last Date for submit your admission forms is 5th September, 2014 

News Update :  Last date of Admission is Now Extended to 19-09-2014 without late Fees.

After this last date you can apply with late fees till 15 / 9 / 2014  (Now extended to 19 September, 2014) and after this date still you have last chance with double late fee, last date with double late fee is 25 /9 /04. After this, date will not be further extended.

Last date for Apply in AIOU – Autumn 2014 :

Fees is varying course to course, details are given below : 

Schedule and last dates of admissions in Allama Iqbal Open Universi

Schedule for Merit Based Programs (M.Sc/M.Phil, PHD, MBA …) :

Above details is Just for Matric level to Bachelors programs. If you are looking for Admission in Masters MS / M.Sc / PHD or M.Phil and in MBA, MPA or LLM Programs. So their fees prices are different for Autumn 2014 which are shown below. read all information carefully. These are merit Based courses and you should need to sit in entry test (NTS , GAT). details are also given in below image.

admissions for MBA Masters MA Phd Merit based programmes 2014

Admissions for Overseas Students in Autumn 2014 Semester :

 If you are not from Pakistan and Overseas students (Pakistanis in Middle East) then details for admissions in Autumn 2014 are given for you. University offer you Elementary course. HSSC (Intermediate) and Bachelors (BA) programs. Master level education is not for overseas students in AIOU. Contact details and other related information is available in the below image.

Admissions for Overseas students out side of Pakistan in 2014 semester

Prices of Prospectuses of all Courses :

Prices of Prospectuses of Allama Iqbal Open University are give below with brief details. Admission forms are attached with each prospectus. You can buy them from main University campus or from selected banks and from regional offices of AIOU.

Prices of prospectus of Allama Iqbal Open University in Autumn 2014

How to Apply in Open University (Complete Guide & Procedure) :

Eligibility and other detail of all programmes are given in the relevant prospectus.. There is a complete procedure that how to apply in the University and which banks are supported. Note that, bank drafts are not accepted. Read instruction below:

How to apply in AIOU

Instructions for Continuing Students for this semester :

If You are continue student then wait for arrival of your admission form and in case you can’t able to receive it, don’t worry about it, Just go to this link and download a copy of your challan form. You need to enter a roll number, then print out it and use it for submitting your fees. No excuse will be accepted by University, you should submit your dues before last date.

instructions for continue students for Autumn 214

 Its all about information of admissions for this semester Autumn 2014. If you want to read official release details about this admission opening and want to see the addresses of regional offices. Or you are confuse why take admission in this University. Is it recognized by HEC and PEC. What is the value of its degrees. You Just need to download below pages.

Read Full Details in Urdu

Read Full details in English

Need Help or Have any Question ?

If you need any type of help, or you have any question in mind regarding this post, You are more than welcome to ask us in comments below. we will answer you and try to resolve your issues and problem. Good luck for your future. Make your decisions now and get cheap and easy way (distance learning) education all over the country.

Please share this post as much as possible to all students so that they will access this all information and apply for it in the time before its too late.


  1. azeem344

    hmmmm goood …..very goood post

    • haider

      Aoa can u tell me plzz k admission form submit krany k baad books kb milen gi nd further info plz

      • aioupk

        ap ne agar Autumn 2014 me admission liya hai tu apko books 2 month kay bad ya may be 3 months k bad receive hon ge, september k end tak tu admission chalete rahein ge us k bad hi books delivery ka kam start hoga.

        • IBNA


          • IBNA


          • Asif Javed

            ap ope n university ki website se change of subject or change of code ka form download kar k islamabad send karain

        • zahir ullah

          sir me ne p.t.c season autumn 2014 ka admission kya hai.Lekin ab tak mujhe books nahi mil gaye.Plz ap mujhe bataye me kaha contact karo..

      • ali abbas

        Yr 1st semester kind books kb tk amen he

    • Muhammad Asif

      From where i can check old admission test of MBA if any one have please upload at my email id.

      • Muhammad Asif

        Also tell me about MBA admission test how is difficult and held date of this test.

      • aioupk

        See MBA past papers here
        There is no clue for entry test, before this semster, NTS tests are taken for MBA entry test but now AIOU start their own entry tests. They are much same like held in other Universities.

        • Muhammad Asif

          Sir i need sample paper of entry test can you send me or share at my e-mail id thanks

          • Muhammad Asif

            MBA entry test i need sample paper.

          • aioupk

            There is no sample papers of Entry test right now, In the past NTS take the tests , from now AIOU taken their own entry tests.

          • Muhmmad Asif

            When department announce date for entry test.

          • aioupk

            entry test date will be announces after closing of admissions.

        • Muhammad Asif

          Admissions are closed now where from i checked MBA entry test date also where from i checked i am selected for test or not.
          Please tell me

          • Sayyed Arslan Jaffari

            Sir i have submitted admission forms in MBA .kindly tell me When will the books be delivered to me? and how can i check that my admission has Done??

          • aioupk

            W/salam, bro, it takes 1 or two months at least to get your books for autumn 2014 semester.

          • Muhammad Asif

            Dear Sir,
            From where i can check MBA admission entry test date and also from where i can checked are i am eligible for this test.

          • Muhammad Asif

            Please Reply me thanks

          • Muhhammad Asif

            Final date for MBA admission entry test when announced.

    • ghazalazulfiqar

      F.A autumn 2014 ka result kb aay ga…

  2. iramsana

    kia ya msc econmics privat ho saktya hy gyar btya aur kia ya english ma hy urdu ma

    • rida

      m a economics eng me b ha or urdu me b,, ap punjab university se kr lo,, bilkul private ho skta ha,, punjab university me feb me admission start hu ge,,

  3. saba humayoun

    kindly clearify the master programe details thanks.

  4. dua toqeer

    hy, kindly clearfy the master programe details thanks

    • dua toqeer

      hy, kindly clearfy the master programe details thanks

    • usman ghani

      15 oct 2014 sy thi laste date of aut…..smester ki

  5. Asia parveen

    plz tell me exact date of b.ed admission……….

    • aioupk

      Admissions are start from 1 August , 2014 and , last date submit your admission forms is 5 September 2014. If you need more information about new AIOU admission . please read above post carefully and let us know if you need further guide in this regard. Thanks

      • Hana Riaz

        Want to know is B Ed. done in English?
        Is it one year program or two years program?

      • Raja bilal

        Salam sir ma is waqt saudi arab ma ho ma ma admission lana chahata ho is ki last date kia ha or kasy admission ho ga

  6. kaleem Ullah

    Plz tell me about B.A new admission process….

  7. mahar tanvir

    plllllllzzzzzzzzzzzz frnd kia ap bata sakte hain keh ik sabject ki kitni fees sbmt krni h yani 248 cod ki kitni sbimt krni h plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me

  8. tubasajad part 1 ki books kha sy kasiy mly ge n exam criteria kya ha

  9. tubasajad

    fees kya h part 1 k per semester ki or kasy pay krna hoge in installment or other

  10. usman

    Pl tell me when will be admission of m.ed

  11. usman

    Pl tell me about admission of m.ed .contact me 0334 3972141

  12. Rizwan

    I am student of first semester but I want to skip admission of the next semester than I admission an other next semester.
    Please tell?

  13. rana naveed

    I am interested in newly announced degree in education but prospectus of new degree of education which is known by associate degree in education is not available in my city regional office is very far from my home town what should I do ……..?. Please help

  14. sahdia rani

    hy i want to do m.phil iqbal std plz tell me is the published artical necessory for admission.

    • aioupk

      Hi, As you know M.Phil admission details are mentioned above in this post. You just send your admission rwequest direct to your concerned department. No NTS test required. University will conduct entry test locally. I am sure its so easy to qualify entry test for M.phil in AIOU.

      • sami ullah

        aoa sir mphil islamic studies ka admission test ks ksm ka ho go please tell me patern of question for entry test of mphil islamic studies i shall be very thankful to you
        sami ullah

        • aioupk

          I am not sure this time, I will tell you after getting information from their department, please wait. But I think pattern will be same as NTS test, like MCQ’s hon ge just.

          • sami ullah

            thanks sir i am still waiting

          • Rana Sohail

            Please sir jaldi sy m phil islamic ky entry ka patrn bata dain
            Thanx i,m waiting please sir ho sake to is num py txt krk bta dain 03004370040

  15. sara fatima

    sir, b.ed k admission form maim domicile district ka pocha gya is necessary or not.jin k pass domicile nahi hy wo kya karin.main ny aiou main call kia to sir ny bola ye zaroori nahi hy plz help me about it.

    • aioupk

      aap apne district ka name likh dein jahan apka permanent address hai. Iska itna issue nahi hai. Don’t worry.
      In case form me koi chez reh bhi gaye tu apko form return kar k Correction karwa li jae gi.

  16. Asia parveen

    sir…….plz tell me the exact date of b.ed admission

    • Atik ch

      for Autumn . get b.ed prospectus form and last date of submission of form with fee is 5 th sept.

  17. Asia parveen

    ok thank u very much sir….

  18. numaniqbal

    Dear i did MBA now intend to take admission in msc mass communication am i eligible if es plz tell me last date of admission and fee structure of first semester

  19. numaniqbal

    Dear my CGPA in MBA2.30 i also attested my degree from H.EC am i eligible for M PHIL admission.

  20. furwah batool

    bed ka first smester ki kya fees ha

  21. salmanjighar

    bed ka arts group ka first smester ki kya fees ha

  22. zulfiqar hussain

    i want to get admission in Msc Mass Communication inform me that is this course is available in this semester (autumn 2014).i went for purchasing Prospectus but i was advised that this course is not available. which prospectus should i purchase for admission in this course. please assist me.thank you.

  23. aqeel

    paz tell full detail of m.phil .fee kitni ha 1st symastr ki .books kitni

  24. ayesha anwar

    kindly tell me the exact fee schedule for B.ED programme>>??

      • ahmad nawaz

        sir pllzzzz mujhe ye bata dijye k ma ny apna BA ka pehla admission b heja ha aor ma ab BA krna nai chata so pllzzz fees wapsi ka detail procedure bata dijiye

  25. Hassan Junaid.

    I had completed 2 semester and paid fee of 3rd semester also and didn’t attend 3rd semester so should I pay fee again or not….

    • aioupk

      IF you don’t attend your semester and not submitted any assignment then you are considered as failed and You should take admission again in your 3rd semester and continue your studies.
      When you were decided that you don’t want to continue, you should inform University and freezing your semester, but in your case you do not freez your semester, so now you need to submit your fees again.

  26. mohsin

    mera tuter later ni aya ab me kiya karoo ples help me

  27. mohsin

    mera tuter later ni ay ma kiya karo

  28. mukhtar

    plz sir p.g.d computer science me on line kesy hoti hai aur regular ke bjaey private ku nhe hoti

  29. malik khurram bashir advocate

    i want to ask about the admission of continuing students who passed in all subjects except one subject and later on could not make it continue in upcoming semester and consequently missed in one or two consecutive upcoming semesters. now, i want to ask that how she be continue that and is it possible for her to continue from that same position from where she discontinued . please make sure to reply me as soon as possible as its matter of urgency and better future for a student.thanks

    • aioupk

      There is a time frame for every course, How much time you skip after taking admission ?
      Yes It is possible to get admission again and continue your studies from where you discontinue before. Go to this link : Enter Your Roll number (Previous Roll number) there and Hit enter. Download your Challan form from the above link and fill it those subjects you missed previously, Submit fee in the bank before 5 September, 2014 and That’s it, Your admission will be accepted. Inshallah.

  30. mahtab ilyas

    plz tell me about Challan form fee of MS in community and Nutrition

  31. Rafia bibi

    I,m mis rafia.I want to do m.phil in Educational planning and management.i hav done my master in islamic studies. can i do m.phil on m.ed base in educational planning and managememt. plz reply urgent nd tell me all detail for applying.thank u

  32. Maryam abbasi

    Plz tell me , aiou have no any procedure for regular admission? Its only for private student… ? 🙁

    • aioupk

      It is not about regular or private students admissions, AIOU has a distance learning education system. Most of the courses are and subjects are distance learning, Students continue their studies from their homes or with their jobs. Some courses where face to face classes are necessary, these courses are regular. Like Software engineering BSCS and BS IT is a 4 year program and it is completely regular 6 classes in week. So there are many other MS and BS level courses which are regular but most of them follow distance learning system.

  33. Maryam abbasi

    Can u send me bs regular courses list ? pls.

  34. attiya mumtaz

    how can we download admssn form for b.ed ?

  35. iram

    sir men ny b.a and punjab uni sy kiya hai ab men diploma in tefl Allama iqbal uni sy karna chahti hun kia ho jay ga

  36. iram

    m.a english be pu sy hai kia criteria hai diploma in tefl ka?

  37. saima akram

    plzzzzzzzzzz koi mujy ye batye k mai ne autum 2013 mai admission k te per mai ne asigment jama k or workshop be atttend k lakin paper nahe de tou ab mai per admission karo or mai ne 2nd semester k admission be nahe k tou 1st semester k again admission karo plzzzzzzzz help

    • aioupk

      No. , agar aap First semester ki assignments me pass hain or sirf final exam nahi diya tu aap k result me fail ki jaga reappear likha hoga. Aap ne again admission nahi lena, aap bus 2nd semester me admission lein or uski tayari karen, Jo papers aap ne nahi diye un me agar aap reappear hain tu 2nd semester ki final exam ki datesheet k sath aap k wo pehle semester wale papers bhi ajaein ge. apko sirf final papers dobara dene hain unki assignments bhi nahi bnani hain.

      Let me know if you need any other information regarding this issue. Thank You.

  38. saima akram

    plzzzzzzzzz mujy jald reply karo plz
    k ab mai 2nd semester k admission karo ya first k or dobara prcpects ly lo k kia karo

    • aioupk

      Why ? aap ne agar already admission liya howa hai tu dobara lene ki zrorat nahi hai, aap next semester me admission lein or us k liye apko prospectus ki zrorat nahi hai balkey is k liye ek alag form hota hai continue students ka jo aap AIOU ki website se download kar lein.

  39. shabaz sethi

    plz mujae ya information chahiyae k illama iqbal open university f.a genal group k semister 1 ki study kis date ko start ho rhe ha. private candidates k liyae plzzzzz plzzzz reply me and mujae agae k procedure ka bhe bata da.

    • aioupk

      agar aap ne abhi Autumn 2014 k semester me admission bheja hai tu studies december me start hongi. First time New admission k bad 6 month ka gap ata hai study start hone me.

      • ashfaq ali

        FA program mein mera aik paper urdu ka rehta tha aur mein ne admission bhej dia tha abi rtk books nhi aein pls check krein k baqi sub ki a gae hein

        • aioupk

          FA ki books tu maximum students ko receieve ho gayi hain, Kiya apka paper reappear howa tha ya fail tha ?
          Ya ap ne is paper me pehle admission nahi liya tha or ab liya hai bad me ?
          Also note that your session of study will start from 25 December, So may be you will get your books sooner or later in this month. Contact in this numbers to get more information about your books status and complaints. 051-9250185, 051-9057281, 051-9057611

  40. ahmad

    Plz can you tell me ke MA TEFL ke just Thesis me readmission ka kia procedure he?

    • aioupk

      You can say Thesis is a complete subject, so if you want to take admission in it, Use continue students admission form to take admission in it. Also read about this program here

      If you need online form download link, ask me here, I will provide you. Thanks

  41. Saba

    Mein nay BA complete kya hai …kya mein MBA private kar sakti hun ya Msc economics…?? Plz help me …plzzzzzźz help me

  42. khadeeja

    Main MA or MSc economics main as a private student admission lena chahti hun please mjhey procedure bta dn

  43. shabaz sethi

    mj ya smj nhe a rhe k ma na foam 12 august ko jama kara diya ha.means ab mj 1st semister k papers kb danae ho gae?AP K RHAE HA K MERE STUDU DECEMBER MA START HO GI TU PHR FEBURARY MA PAPERZ KASAE HO GA.PLZZZZ PLZZZZ MJ IS PROCEDURE KA BATA DAE.MA CUNFUSE HO RHE HO.PLZZZZZZZZ.

    • aioupk

      aap ne Autumn 2014 me admission liya hai, us k papers abhi nahi ho rahe, me Spring 2014 semester ki baat kar raha tha.

      • shabaz sethi

        ok but mj books kb tk mil jae gi season autumn k first semister k f.a genal group ki?plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz reply me its my last question plzzzzzz

      • huda

        Mera bhi yahi sawal hai books kab tak aye gi ? Or confirm kab ho ga ke admission ho gya hai ?

        • aioupk

          Books send karna start kar diya hai University se, 40 thousands se bhi zyada students hain isi liye time lage ga, start Matric se liya hai is k bad Intermediate and then Bachelors. I think 1 month lage ga books anay me. Aap ka academic session Jan-Feb, 2015 se start hoga.

  44. saima akram

    thankkkkkkkkkkk u so much ,,g ye pouchna ta k abhe jub mai second semester k amsision karo tu es k paper MAY mai hongy ya kub hongy or es k assigment or workshop karni hy na …mai MA URDU kar rahe hu

  45. saima akram

    meri ye tansion door kare mai ne 2nd semester k ly admmisin kar de lakin faom mai .jo 2nd semester k coure hy wo mai ne es tarh liky ,,,,,,,urdu tanqeed I ,urdu tanqeed II or es k code be liky lakin engligh mai nahe liky tu es sy koi masla tu nahe hoga.wo es sy samjj tu jaygy na

    • aioupk

      gee koi masla nahi hai, Urdu English jis me bhi likha hai, codes theek likhe hoon bus, wo samaj jaein ge, codes dekh kar hi apka admission kar diya jae ga or books bhi ajaein ge. Don’t worry about it. Thank You.

  46. saima akram

    thank u so much .acha mai ne ye be pouchna ta k mai continu student k liye second semester k liye admission ki. MA urdu second semester tu es k paper kab hongy febuary ma ya per MAY mai plzz es ka jawab zaror daina plzzzzzz ap k buhat mehrobani honge

  47. farhin

    B.ed now a days is possible in science subjects also? Can v apply online ? Wat is the criteria for RA students?

  48. ahmad khalid

    hy gayz plz tell me k secnd smester ki kitni fee hai total.
    kya admision fee phr submit krwani hai kya ager han to kitni plz reply me my number 03066703909

  49. ahmad khalid

    mujy plz bta dijye k 2nd smester ki kitni fee hai..plzzzzzz

  50. shani

    Sir.kindly tell me.k admission form b bank chlan k sath bank me hi jama karwana hai

    • aioupk

      gee haan, bank me hi jama hoga.

  51. shani

    sir plz tell me k admission form b bank chlan k sath bank me hi jamma karwana hai

    • aioupk

      Yes, bank me hi jama karwana hai admission form bhi challan form k sath.

  52. jamaluddin

    i m student of Msc g/ w study, my 3 subjects from second semester anad 3 subjects from 4th semester considered fail due to late assignments, now i wanna take admission, what is the right procedure ? plz guid me thanx

    • aioupk

      Use continue admission form and take admission in failed subjects again by submitting fees of these subjects. You have to submit assignments and clear final exams again of these subjects.
      Download your admission form online here by entering your roll number :

      Fees details of your courses is also available in the given link. Thank You

  53. Ayesha chaudhary

    tell me complete detaile of bba

  54. kamran

    My ny mass communication kya hey ab mujy msc in mass communication .krna hy.mujy abi tk addmission foam .ni mila .kl last date

  55. kamran

    My ny mass communication kya hey ab mujy msc in mass communication .krna hy.mujy abi tk addmission foam .ni mila .kl last date hy

  56. muhammad yousaf ali

    slam sir meray 2 problems hain 1 to ye hai k mein first semester mein computer ki assignment jama nh krwai thi or paper bh nh diya tha to ab us ka kiya bany ga 2sra mery 3rd semester ka admission form abi tk nh aya or aj admission jama krwany ki akhri date hai is ka ab kia hl hai plz jald az jald rehnmai frmain

    • aioupk

      aap ne jo first semester ka computer ka paper or uski assignment nahi jama karwae tu us me aap fail hain, isi liye apko us subject me dobara admission lena hai or usko clear karna hai. admission k liye aap jab abhi 3rd semester k liye admission bhejein ge tu sath hi apna ye computer wala subject bhi sath add kar lein or 3rd semester ki fees k sath apni is computer subject ki fees bhi add kar k jama karwa dein. apka admission computer me bhi ho jae ga or wo bhi is 3rd semester k sath clear ho jae ga.

      2nd jo aap keh rahe hain k form nahi mila tu aap online form download karen or fill kar k fees jama karwaein last date se pehle, bad me University zimadar nahi hogi. Me apko link de raha hoon is me apna Roll Number likh kar apna Admission form + challan form download karen or print kar k Bank me jama karwaein.
      Link for Continue admission form is here :

      Thank You

  57. Maryam

    Sir kindly bta dain m.phil urdu admission kb hoan gay

  58. Umer Ali

    AOA, Dear Sir/Madam please update me the AIOU center or branch details so i can visit that place and keep update .
    Thank you .


    please tell me what subjects are in 3rd symester we dont recieve accounting book if any one have accounting assignments so please sent me through email

  60. saima akram

    .acha mai ne ye be pouchna ta k mai continu student k liye second semester k liye admission ki. abhe autum 2014 MA urdu second semester.. tu es k paper kab hongy febuary ma ya per MAY 2015 mai plzz es ka jawab zaror daina plzzzzzz ap k buhat mehrobani hong

  61. naila

    sir mery last result me assignment k marks ni lagay jb k me ny ofice me application k sayh assignment k paert diye hain jis mein meri assignment check kiye huy k num lagay hain lykn abi tk mera rasult sahi ni hua plz help me

    • aioupk

      Wait, result update hone me time lagta hai, apko unhon ne written diya hoga k marks update hoe hain, site pe time lagta hai update hone me.

  62. haider

    Can u tell me plz k books kb mien gi

  63. haider

    Plz tell me k books kb tk milen gi coz form tou submit ho gya h

    • aioupk

      approximately 2 months k bad milein ge Books autumn 2014 ki.

  64. mubsharnaeen

    i wanna know …. if admission for m.ed are open
    if so then dates to apply for it …. everything .. !

  65. Nausheen Husnain

    Hello..plz tell me me addmision karwana ha to proceedure kia ha nd fee kitni ha per subject..plz tell me fast plzzzz

  66. saima akram

    sir/madam mai ne kitni bar ap se poucha lakin jawab nahe diya plzzzzzzzz mery question ka answer do plzzzzzzzzzz.acha mai ne ye be pouchna ta k mai continu student k liye second semester k liye admission ki. abhe autum 2014 MA urdu second semester.. tu es k paper kab hongy febuary ma ya per MAY 2015 mai plzz es ka jawab zaror daina plzzzzzz ap k buhat mehrobani hong

    • aioupk

      Exams of Autumn 2014 will be expected in May 2015. Because it takes 6 months to start semester after taking admission and then after starting your studies exam will be held after 6 months so They will be in May.
      extremely sorry for late reply, I think Your question goes missed by our moderators.

  67. saima akram

    plzzzzzzzzzz mery sawal ka jawab zaror daina q k mai abroad mai ho tu us k liye bar bar pouch rahe hu ta ky per mai us k liye prepair ho jaw
    plzzzzzzzz lazim ans do ok

    • aioupk

      Yes, May 2015 me hi hon ge

  68. saima akram

    pplzzzzzzz i am waiting ap k answer k

  69. marriam arshad

    sir please tell me which documents are compuisory to attatch with admission form for master programe like msc economics
    please reply me soon

    • aioupk

      When you buy prospectus , required documents list will be given at the back side of form in detail. Normally it required Your Bachelors degree / mark sheet photo copy, Passport size photos attested from backside, National ID card or Birth certificate, Domicile (or a proof of your residence). You don’t need to attache NTS test because now AIOU take internal entry test. Hope it helps. Thank You

  70. saba

    sir/ madam aoa …. jee as a guidnace ap se ye pouchna chate hu k k mery matric k DMC mai mery name k sath mery father ka name hy like this SABA IMRAN or per mery FA mai just mera name hy …SABA father ka name mery name k sath nahe hy per BA mai be nahe hay … or ptc mai ne k AIOU sy tuu us mai be mery father ka name mery sath hy SABA IMRAN or abhe master kar rahe ho AIOU SY tu us mai kaha ta k matric k DMC mai jo nahe hy wo likna hy tu mery matric k dmc mai mery father ka name mery sath hy tu abhe MA mai be father ka name lika hy tu sir/maadam mai ne ye pouchna ta k kal ko es mai koi masla tu nahe hoga na k kuch k sath hy father ka name kuch mai nahe tu plzzzzzzzzzzz agr ap ko es k bhary mai kuch pata hu tu bata daina na or kaisy karna hy wo be bata day msg buhat lamba ho giya lakin ap k help k buhat zarorat hy …thank u

  71. nazish sarfraz

    Dear sir maine september mein clear kia hai ab mai aiou se private b.ed karna chahati hu plz sir kindly guide me k mai kis tarah se private b.ed ker sakti hun or yeh books ka kya chacker hai maine comments mein dekha hai boht se student books se related question poch rahy thy or kya b.ed walo ko b assignments send karni prty hain ager yes to plz uska b process b bta dyn.

    • aioupk

      Gee han aap B.Ed AIOU se kar sakte hain. AIOU admission k bad apne pass se books or assignments k questions send karti hai jo ap ne uski dead line se pehle apne tutor ko send karna hota hai. Assignments k marks ap k annual exam me 30% add hote hain. Ek semester me har subject ki 2 assignments ap ne bnani hoti hain us k bad final exam hota hai. Assignment ki importance bohat zyada hai, agar ap kisi ek assignment me bhi fail ho jaein ya tutor ko na bhej sakein tu ap final exam nahi de sakte, lekin agar ap assignment me pass ho jaein or final exam na de sakein ya fail ho jaein tu apko dobara admission liye bina 3 chance milte hain. Tu ye hai AIOU ki Books or assignments ka simple sa formula. It also veries from course to course. Thanks

  72. Tauqeer_ahmed

    I Tauqeer Aiou hv been passd B.A form Aiou Islamabad at 2014 .

  73. shabaz sethi

    salaam sir , ma na apsa ya pochna tha k ab f.a genal group k foam date khatam ho gai ha.and ma na foam bhe jama kara diya hae ab mj books kb tak milae gi?plzzzzzzzz plzzzzz tell me sir plzzzzz.

    • aioupk

      2 se 3 months lagein ge books aney me.

  74. saba

    thannnk u g agr abhe mai form baij do corect name k liye jo mery id card mai hy tu id card copy or correct form k sath beij do form mai tu matric k DMC ka keh rahy hai lakin abhe us mai be mery sath father ka name hy lakin id card mai nahe hy tu id card copy k sath beaj do tu per sahe ho jaye ga sir plzzz agr or kuch requirmt hy tu bta dy plzzzzzz ap k mehrobani ho ge

  75. sana

    sir plz muje ye bta de k ab aiou waly bcs kra rhe ha ya ni aur is ka fee package kya ha

    • aioupk

      Yes, Bcs karwa rahe hain AIOU me, It is 4 year program, Class are regular like other Universities. Fees is different for every semester, there are total 8 semester in this degree program. Approximately 20 to 25 thousands per semester fees hai.

      • jamil ameen

        sir main ny bs(cs) me admission liya hai 2 month ho gy han mjy books kab tak mails kardi jayen gi

        • aioupk

          Books mailing ka process abhi complete nahi howa hai, bohat sare students ko books mil gaye hain or baki students ko jald hi receive ho jaein gi, Aaj Official AIOU mailing department ne ye news update ki hai.

          Mailing confirmation and books tracking system for AIOU student`s, Autumn 2014:
          Students of AIOU are informed that the mailing for current semester is in progress and books of the following programmes have been dispatched to the available addresses of students:
          1. CT (complete) ,
          2. Matric ( 1,2,3,4 and 5th list) ,
          3. FA (1,2 and 3rd list)
          4. BA (first & Second list)
          5. Post graduate (1st list) (M.Ed/MA(Edu), MBA, TEFL, EPM, MA(Isl. St.), MSc (Ecomics), M.Com,
          Hopefully, you have received your books; if not then contact your nearest post office for information. However, you may get information from the web about dispatch of books. Sometimes, packets are received back as undelivered because of wrong address which are sent to the concerned Regional offices for distribution to the students.

          Thank You

  76. Ali

    Dear sir b.ed ki two types hain ek b.ed arabic or 2nd b.ed arts .ager teaching line mein jana ho to konsa best hai .kindly guide me sir.and thank you so much for reply to me sir ager aap apna koi contect no de dyn to mai ap se necessary information zra deeply le sko gi.

  77. F Abbasi

    Asalam.o.Alikum plz tel me is it posibel i complete bachlore in One year…. plz ans me must thnx

    • aioupk

      W/salam, Bachelors programs has minimum 4 semesters that means two years, but B.Ed program duration is one year. for more information about bachelors courses durations and their credit hours please visit and explore this link :
      Thank You

  78. iqra ikram

    mje smj ni a rhe agar hamein b.ed ki books 2 months bd issue hun ge tu paperz kab hun ge bcoz next year feburary me tu dobara admission start ho jai ge?

    • aioupk

      abhi jo log admission le rahe hain un ki proper studies session 6 month k bad start hoga yani final exam May, June me hon ge ap k. Jo bhi semester start hota hai admission k process me 6 month lag jate hain AIOU me.

  79. Ihsanullah

    Sir, I have passed B.Sc from the University of Peshawar in 1999.Now i want to do Political science and history as additional subjects at B.A level from AIOU. Can i take admission in only two subjects at B.A level?

    • aioupk

      No, It is not possible, You should take admission in full course.

  80. nazish sarfraz

    Sir maine aiou ka prospectus or form le lia hai form mein kha gaya hai k jo adress matric ki snd mein hai wohi address form mein mention kryn but sir abi hm udr ni rehty. What can l do ?or sir kon sa b.ed teaching k liye best hai b.ed arts or b.ed arabic. Pehly maine kia hai. Kindly guide me. Or mai b.ed english medium mein krna chahti hun but form pe to medium mention he ni hai. Plz sir help me

    • aioupk

      ap apna new address hi likhein jahan aap ab rehte hain. both are good but B.Ed Arts is more better and easy. medium ka option nahi hota jo subject English me hon ge wo English me dene hain or jo Urdu me hain wo apko Urdu me hi karne hain. Books ajaein gi apko samaj ajae gi, Most of the subjects are in Urdu.

  81. iqra ikram

    aiou ka jo admission form mila hai us me sb se uper registration number likhna hai. can u tell me registration number kn sa hota hai?

    • aioupk

      leave your registration number blank, wo University khud fill karenge or apko registration number diya jae ga.

  82. Ihsanullah

    Do History and political subjects available at B.A level? Whate their codes?

    • aioupk

      Yes available in General Group (G) Bachelors of Arts BA.
      Some subjects names and codes given :
      History of Urdu Adab Code 445
      History of Libraries code 466
      Pakistan studies 417
      History of Modern Islamic World code 407
      Political sciences and other advance subjects offers in MA education.

  83. Sadia Waqar

    main nai study start karni hai admission baijna hai plz tell me kaisay baiju matric clear kar kai agay parhna hai

    • aioupk

      admission form or prospectus aap banks se ya AIOU k regional office se buy kar lein or usko fill kar k zrori documents attache kar k bank me fees k sath form bank me jama karwa dein 19/9/2014 tak.

    • m abid

      my number contect 03361002806

  84. afifa ikram

    admission form k sath matric, f.a etc ki ktni copies attach krni hain. plz bta dein kon kon se documents attach krne lazmi hain

  85. nida

    hello sir meine kiya hai now i want k mai MIT karun soo kya mai AIOU say MIT kar sakti hun ????????? or agr han to admission ki date b cnfrm kardein thnx

  86. iqra ikram

    admission form pe jo page no 3 hai us pe copy no 1.2 ,3,4 die hain wo bhi sare fill krne hain

  87. iqra ikram

    registrarion no k neche roll no bhi likhna hai wo bhi hamein aiou ki trf se he mle ga na?

    • aioupk

      gee haan, Roll Number bhi ap chor dein, University hi apko de gi. This potions is only for official use.

  88. fatima

    salam sir mera fess foam ni aya or last b guzar gai hai abi tak bejha he ni main kia krun net sy download ho sakta hai ya program b.a ka group 1 genral group ki fees foam plzz mujh bta dein kya karun ya to last day confrim kar dein

    • aioupk

      W/salam, First of all Now last date is 19 September, 2014 without any late fees charges. Yes, you can download Admission form online using this link : Enter your roll number after opening this link and then download and print out your admission challan form.

  89. question

    i have passed ba in general subjects like english language punjabi and journalism, so i wanted to know, if i am eligible for ma economics? please answer….and how many workshops or classes i have to attend?
    thank you

  90. usman Ahmed

    sir main pu say BA kia he or main aik regular student tha ab main nay aik university main MBA main admission lia he but main is k sath BSCS ap ki university k through krna chahta ka kia scope ho ga.please kindly tell me.or main BA ki b degree rakhna chahta hun or BSCS ki b kia ye possible he please guide me

    • aioupk

      Yes, You can take admission in AIOU BS(CS) but don’t mention anywhere that you are currently student of PU, because may be it will create any problem for you, also you can’t take admission in two programme in AIOU at the same time.
      or BS(CS) ki apni value hai, it is a regular course that means classes will be regular like other Universities. Value is depend on you that how much you learn from this course. In the private sector there is only value of your work not of your degree. AIOU is registered with HEC. But still some Software houses ignore the students of AIOU but that does not means AIOU degree has no values. If you willing to do BS(CS) and can’t afford private Universities, Do it, I will recommend you.
      Thank You.

  91. M. Noman

    hi sir maine feb 2014 B.A me admission lya, September me books mili ab first semester k papers kb hongy ?

    • aioupk

      October k end me , But not sure, we will inform here in our blog when officials will announce the datesheet.

  92. shabaz sethi

    salaam sir ma na apsa ya phochna tha k kya aiou law karwa rhe hae? aur agr karwa rhe ha tu iska kya procedure ha? plzzzz telll me sir plzzzz?

  93. M.Umais

    AoA. Sir BSCS(3rd Semester). Can I Apply For B.Ed?

    • aioupk

      Your question is answered.

  94. M.Umais

    Respected Sir!
    I Want To Apply For B.Ed, I AM Confused Because I Am Doing “BS(CS) 3rd semester “. Sir My Question Is That, Can I Apply For B.Ed?
    I Am Having 2 Years Teaching Experience. (Continue…)

    • aioupk

      No, You can’t get admission in two programmes in AIOU at the same time, If you are continue students of BSCS in AIOU, and want to do B.Ed during this course, take admission in any other University or wait to complete your BS degree first. Otherwise your admission will be cancelled, so take care and don’t apply for two or more courses at the same time in same university.


    Please give me information relating to matric.. Tell me the last date for the submission of admission form of matric … And about the necessary documents which are needed to attached with admission form of matric means NIC AND PICTURES etc????


    I have done my B.ed course from aiou in spring 2013. yet i have not applied for the degree. tell me the procedure how to apply for the degree.

  97. saba

    sir kindly tell me correction name k liye koi fees tu nahe hy na or agr FA ya BA k DMC COPY OR id COPY BEJ DY abhe MA jahre hy tu us mai be father ka name hatna chahte hu ,,,,,,ESI ADRESS PAY JO CORRECTION NAME K LIYE DIYA HY tu tek hy ,,,,,,,or ye be pouchna ta k mai ne 2009 mai PTC k hy us mai be change karna chahte ho name tu wo abhe possible hy id card mai ab jo mera name hy wo lina chahte ho sir plzzzzzzz dono sawal ka jawab zaror dy

    • aioupk

      All details are given in the form which is used for Name correction, Yes you can change your name in your previous certificate too, but when University issue you new certificate they will charge you some fees of new certificate.
      Name correction form download from this link :
      Thank You.

  98. anam

    If I don’t have my domicile certificate can I attach bform with my ad
    mission form

    • aioupk

      domicile is different thing, you can attache B-form instead of your ID card. But domicile is your residence proof, So if you have not your domicile certificate, try to apply for it and attache its reseed copy. Or you can also use any document which proofs your home address or residential proof. thanks.

  99. saba

    sir tu us mai tu lika hy k form k sath name correction k liye bej dy tu sir us mai tu fees ka nahe lika tu kia univesity se er koi letter aye ga fees k liye k new certifcate k liye fees jama kare wo kaisy hoga sir plzzzzzzzzzzzzz detail k sath bata dy plz k fees ka kaisy hum kary gy thank u

    • aioupk

      I already answered You, You don’t worry about fees until your name record is updated. Yes, If your dues goes short, You will get a notification letter and challan form with amount you have to submit for new certificate.

  100. aqeel

    Bsc 2 math physics ma admission le saktay he kia?.
    If yes wahat is its procedure.

    • aioupk

      The programmes offered by AIOU in Bachelors BS are given here
      If your desired program is given in list, You can apply for it with late fees charges. because last date to apply was 19 September, 2014.
      Still you have chance to get admission in this year, Buy admission form and Prospectus from any Bank or from AIOU city Regional office and submit your fees with form in any AIOU allotted Bank. Thanks

  101. Farah

    i want to take admission in BBA…kindly plz guide me for the procedure….i’ve opened the website but couldn’t understand anything from there…plz help me

    • aioupk

      W/salam, BBA is oofered by AIOU as a distance regular program. You can apply for it till 30 Sep, 2014 with extra late fees charges of Rs. 200. This course is listed in official website, details read here

  102. Maryam abbasi

    Pls tel me. aiou offering regular admission, ? …. i mean regular classes for Mass com…. bcz i wnat to apply as a regular student. And same admission form is uesd for regular student or admission as we use for private admission ? Plzz

    • aioupk

      Yes, same form is used and same criteria is used to get admission in regular or private courses, AIOU most of the courses are distance learning style, but some courses which are difficult and required face to face classes, only those courses are offered in regular classes, Mass comm is not a regular. BS computer Science is regular.

  103. ayesha aslam

    i want to take admission in b.ed. plz someone tell me the whole criteria of taking admission and from where i would get prospectus i belong to sahiwal.

    • aioupk

      Yes, the criteria to get admission is same, You have to buy prospectus plus form from Your city regional office of AIOU or from AIOU alloted Banks.

  104. saba

    sir result mai jo lika hota hy R/E es ka kia matlab hy ,,,or sir mai ne ye be poucha ta ap se lakin reply nahe mili k sir name correction k liye pehly form bejingy us adress pay us k bad university waly hamein leeter bejdy ga k new cercificate k liye fees jama kare k kia hoga wo be zara bata day plzzzz

    • Maryam abbasi

      By aioupk
      All details are given in the form which is used for Name correction, Yes you can change your name in your previous certificate too, but when University issue you new certificate they will charge you some fees of new certificate.
      Name correction form download from this link :
      Thank You.
      on September 16, 2014 Reply

    • aioupk

      R/E or Reappear in Exam means k ap ne Exam dobara dena hai lekin is k liye assignments jama karwane ki zrorat nahi hoti na hi admission dobara lena hota hai, University Automatically next semester k exam me apko roll number slip send kar de di.
      aap name correction k liye form send karen, apka name correct ho jae ga, Agr degree / certificate k liye apply karna hai tu uska bhi form hai alag se, jab apka name records me update ho jae us k bad degree form use karte howe certificate k liye apply kar dein.

  105. bushra afsar

    can I apply online for b-ed admission?????

    • aioupk

      No, If you are New students , You can’t Apply online, Only continue students download their admission forms and submit their fees, If you are new students, You should buy prospectus ad admission form ad submit that form i bank with fees, Last date of B.Ed admission was 19 September without late fees and now you can submit form till 30 Sep with 200 late charges.

  106. Rutba

    Main ne kia hy ab Ma islamiat krna cha rhi hn, kia procedure hy admision ka? Form kahan se mile ga or last date kia hy?

  107. saba

    sir result mai jo lika hota hy R/E es ka kia matlab hy ,,,or sir mai ne ye be poucha ta ap se lakin reply nahe mili k sir name correction k liye pehly form bejingy us adress pay us k bad university waly hamein leeter bejdy ga k new cercificate k liye fees jama kare k kia hoga wo be zara bata day plzzzz

    • aioupk

      R/E aye result me tu iska matlb hai k aap ne final exam dobara dena hai uski assignment nhi bnani hai, is k liye dobara admission lene ki bhi zrorat nhi hoti bus aap ne final exam dena hota hai jo automatically apko next semester k papers me datesheet de di jati hai./


    PLZ Tell me last date of bed programe in aiou….urgently

    • aioupk

      its 19 September without late fees charges and 25 Sep, 2014 with late fees charges.

  109. abu bakar

    M.a urdu krny k liye b.a mn urdu hona lazmi hy kia???
    Agr admsion bhaj dia ho r b.a mn urdu na parhe ho phr kia karen?
    B.a kee code404 ja paper kb dain

  110. Siraj safi

    What te the documents required for admission in B.ed

  111. rabia munir

    mai ne b.ed ka admission beja hai. tell me please how can i check that i am being registered ?

    • aioupk

      It takes some time, agar ap ne abhi Autumn 2014 semester me admission liya hai tu abhi web par registrations update nahi hoi hain.

  112. gufee

    sir ge yaha say BBA privatly ho raha ha ya nae

    • aioupk

      BBA nahi ho raha, B.Com ho raha hai.

  113. Dua

    sir me master l kye admission krna chahti hun in LAW plz advise me..
    Thank you

  114. saba

    jee mery question ka anss do plzzzzzzzz

  115. hamad

    Sir MBA admission ke Last date kya hy

      • aioupk

        late fees k sath 30 Sep tak jama karwa sakte hain

  116. Ahmad Sayed

    i want admission in ( BS)micro biology…need your help?…please help me…

    • Ahmad Sayed

      and also last date of admission and fee detail…….

      • aioupk

        Last date was 19th September, But still you apply till 30th with late Fees Charges of RS. 200 with actual fees. Fees complete details will be available in your prospectus. You can buy form and prospectus from AIOU regional offices or from banks.

  117. ayesha

    b.ed ky liye admission kb open hon gy….

    • aioupk

      admissions open hain, late fee k sath aap 30 Sep tak apply kar sakte hain.

  118. nazish sarfraz

    Sir Maine admission bej hai b.end ka fee b submit kerwa do hai mujhy kesy k mera admission ho gaya k nahi

    • aioupk

      Your will recieve your books and tutor letters soon, it take some time, may be 1 or two months.

  119. kamran

    Plzzzzzz mujy web site btay ny new admission form download krna hy…… ny mass communication keya hy or ab msc krna chahati hu.plzmujy btay k my countinuing student my shamil hu ja nai?plzzzzz tellllll meeeeee plzzzz

    • aioupk

      No, You are New students, You can’t download form online. You should buy prospectus and admission form again for new course. Last date is 30 September, 2014 with late fees charges of Rs. 400 /-

  120. kamran

    Plz mujy aj he reply kr dy sir…..or admission ki last date b bta dy.ppllZz

  121. fatima kabeer

    sir mn b.ed autumn to spring 2013-14 continue ki student hon ,sir date sheet kb display ho gi,ur sir mery previous semstr (autumn 2013) k paper 2nd semeter k paprz sy phly hon gy ya baadh mn, plz sir inform me sir.

    • aioupk

      Autumn 2013 kay papers tu ho chukey hain, agar apka koi paper reh gaya hai tu wo next semester k papers k sath hi hoga pehle nahi hon ge means k spring 2014 k papers k sath hi autumn 2013 wale papers bhi ho jaein ge. Datesheet ajae gi abhi admission close ho jaein is k bad.

  122. kamran

    Plz sir mujy aj he reply kr dyy plzzzzzzz

  123. sana ali

    salam meny kitni bar aiou call kkindly bta den k mphill mass comm k test n interview ke date kya hy or hmen ksy pta chly ga k form recieve hua ya nhe lekin ab 24th september ho gyi lekin mjal hy jo kisi ny ko satisfactory jwab dia ho qk i thought abi halat ke wja sy sometimes forms misplace b ho jaty hn agr mery sth b asa hua ho to mai 19th sy phly phr sy form wghera bhej dun lekin preshani khtm hny ke bjaye brhti he jati hy
    ap mai sy agr koi mjy atleast ye bta skta hy k test or interview ke date kya hy to that would be pretty satisfactory for me

  124. khalid

    salam, sir me api dosry smestr ki fee ni submt krwa ska ab koi trekaha js se m fee submt krwa sko plz plz plz tel me

    • aioupk

      gee han, ap jama karwa sakte hain apni fees. aap yahan se apba form online download karen or iska print out nikal kay fill kar k 30 September 2014 tak extra late fees charges k sath jama kawra dein bank me.
      for BA extra fees is Rs.200 and for Matric it is Rs. 100 for Masters level late fees is Rs. 400/- only

      Thank You

  125. khalid

    plz plz plz koi to help kr do

  126. deedar

    i want to get admission in BSVS ( OPTOMETRY)
    kindly tell me the process

  127. nazish sarfraz

    Sir mujhy yeh pochna that kya k bad m.end kia ja sakta hai.

  128. amber ilyas

    sir g mjy ye pta krna tha k ub b.a ka admission kb ho ga kia hm ub again adm ni ly skty plzzzzzzzzzzz tell me detail about this thankssssss

    • aioupk

      30 September tak admission open hain, aap BA ka admission bhej sakti hain. Fees k sath 200 Rupess late bhi sath jama karwani hogi.

  129. sara

    AOA i want to apply for B.ED, is it possible to apply now??? what is the current last date? 25 sept or 30 sept????

    • aioupk

      Now last date to apply is 15th Oct, 2014, So you can apply now.

  130. Iqra naaz

    B.Ed addmission ki last date 25 tk ai ya 30 please confrm. mene addmission lena hai

    • aioupk

      ab last date extend ho kar 15 October, 2014 tak hai, admission bhej dein aap. (Late fees RS.200 will be included)

  131. iqra ikram

    A.o.A me apna admission form b.ed k lie submit krwa chuki hun . PLZ TELL ME BOOKS KB TK MILE GE OR 1ST SMSTER K PAPRZ KB HUN GE?

  132. Naila Bashir

    i will not received my 2nd semester fee form till .. so what is my fault in this matter ,,,, even i received workshop letter , books on time …. ub bhi agar mujhy ksi se maloom na hota k fee submit krwaani hay … to how can i 9 tht ? this is a big problem for all so plz u ppl should solve all the issue regarding these problem … which Aiou involve us …

    • aioupk

      kiya ap ne fee jama karwa di hai, aap online apna form download kar sakte hain. Posting method in Pakistan is worst therefore these type of issues are common.

  133. Abid hussain

    plz tell me fast k admission kb hn gy

    • aioupk

      admissions of B.Com are open, last date is 15th October, 2014 with late fees.

  134. Abid hussain

    last date b bta dy plz sir

  135. Ali Abbas

    I have passed D.V.M in 2014.
    Am I Illegible to apply for B.Ed Science Group?
    Kindly reply me soon………………………….

  136. saima akram

    salam sir, sir mai ne ye pouchna ta k mai ne 1st semester k paper nahe de hay or assignmnt mai pass ho tu abhe ek letter aya hy objection letter jis mai lika hy tu ap zara guid kary mujy samj nahe arahe ……ye lika hy this is with reference to your admission form for the admission in semester autum 2014 .on checking of the admission form the following discrepenies have been observed .you are advised to return the same after removing the objection within a weeks time of receipt of this letter on the following address…..tu plz ye zara bata dy k ye kia kehty hy

    • aioupk

      W/salam, aap ne jo 1st semester k papers nahi diye us se koi fark nhi parta, ap assignments me pass han, isi liye ap ab next semester me automatically exam de sakte hain dobara. us k liye apko admission bhejne ki zrorat nhi thi dobara s. Ab jo apko objection letter aya hai wo apne jo next semester me admission bheja us k liye aya hai, aap us form me dekhe bohat sare issue likhe honge, jin par (Tick) laga hai ap k form me just wo issue hoga jis par tick laga hai, wo issue resolve karen or form submit karen rtakey admission agey proceed ho sake. Let me know if you need more help in this regards. Thanks

  137. shabaz sethi

    sir ma na phochna tha k f.a genal group 2014 ki study kb start ho gi? plzzzzzzz sir tell me i m realy cunfuse.

    • aioupk

      feb me start ho gi Autumn 2014 ki studies, apko us se pehle books or tutor k letters mil jaein ge. don’t be confuse. New admission lene k bad books receive karne or baki chezon ki waja se 4 to 6 months lag jate hain.

  138. sahar qadeer

    main kia ab admission krwa sakti ho

    • aioupk

      Yes, 15 october last date hai apply karne ki.

  139. saima akram

    sir tou jo objection letter aya us k sath tu or kuch nahe hy just yahe lika hy tu ab mai kia karo wo letter bad mai aye ga k kia hoga q k bs yahe lika hy or kuch nahe k ap ne ye ghalt lika hy tu wo bad mai aye ga k kia hoga plzzz sir zara bata dy q k letter mai tu bs serf yahe lika hy or kuch nahe tu ab mai kia karo plzzzzzz sir bata dy

  140. saima akram

    sir objection letter k sath or kuch nahe hy bs serf yahi letter hy jo mai ne ap ko lika hy serf yahi lika tu or kuch nahe beja hy k ap ne form mai ye ghalti k hy tu sir kia ghalti wala letter abhe aye ga k kia hoga q k es mai tu kuch nahe hy tu sir ab mai kia karo again form download karo or fill karo …..or sir ye be zara bata dy k es ko again bank mai submit karna hoga k kaha submit kary gy plzzz ap k buhat mehrobani hoge or plz mery question k ans zaror dain

    • aioupk

      dekhein jo ap ne btaya hai wo letter hai, is k sath ek objection letter hota hai staple hota hai wo, us me clearly likha hota hai k issue kiya hai ap k form me. Wo objection khatam karne k bad aap form bank me jama karwate hain. For example agr apki fees kam hai ya koi document kam hai tu wo aap us objection letter k sath attache kar k bank me jama karwate hain.
      Ab aap ne kaha k or koi letter nhi aya, .
      me apko ek link de rha hoo ap online check karen k kiya wakai apka form objection me hai ya nhi, or kiya objection hai, check it here

      agr phir bhi problem resolve nhi hoti tu mujhe humari site k contact form k through email karen apni details k sath. I will try to resolve it. ok

  141. saima akram

    sir thank u so much sir mai ne chek k han objection mai mera form objection mai hy waha be kuch nahe hy just nechy lika hy k….. these coures ofered in semester spring 2015..just ye lika hy plzz sir ap zara check kary ye mera roll number hy… AW532438 or MA URDU kar rahe hu ..tu plz sir app chek kary or per mujy batain k mai kia karo

  142. saima akram

    or mery form no…. 5014180 hy plzzz sir ap check kary or per mujy detail k sathh bta dy k ab mai kia karo kaisy ye problm solve karo ap k buht mehrobni hoge

    • aioupk

      Mujhe jahan tak smaaj ayi hai, aap ne ghalti se next semester k subjects likh kar send kar diye hain admission lene k liye. aap ne wo subjects de diye hain jo spring 2015 k hain, jab k ap ne Autumn 2014 k subjects dene they.

    • aioupk

      tell me apne kin subjects me admission bheja tha Autumn 2014 k liye ?

  143. saima akram

    sir mai ne MA urdu k 2nd semester k liye admission form beja ta mai ne first semseter autum 2013 mai k te first semester k liye assigment submit k lakin papaer nahe diya assigment mai mai pass hu tu abhe autum 2014 mai mai ne 2nd semester k liye admssion k or subject ye hy ..urdu criticism I…code no 5605,urdu criticism II…code no 5606,urdu poetry I..code no 5607..urdu poetry II ..code no 5608…………….sir mai ne en subject mai admission lainay kk liye admission bej de hy

  144. saima akram

    sir plzzz ye problm solve karo ab mai kia karo 3rd semester k liye admission karo k kia karo q k mai ne tu 2nd k liye k tu ab kia karo plzzzzzzzz mery msgs daik lo uper subject bej diye hy jis mai mai ne admission k hy plzzzzzz sir zara check karo k mai kon sy subject mai admission lo ap zara check karo ap k buhat mehrobani hoge ..thank u

  145. shabaz sethi

    sir ma na ya phochna tha k mj fa genal group semister 1 ka admission krae 2 sa bhe zayada maheenae ho gae ha but mj ab tak koi books nhe ayi mj books kb tak mil jae gi and mj kb tak paperz ki tayari ka time milae ga sirrrrr plzzzz telll me sir plzzz mj smjha dae.

  146. saima akram

    sir mai ne MA urdu k 2nd semester k liye admission form beja ta mai ne first semseter autum 2013 mai k te first semester k liye assigment submit k lakin papaer nahe diya assigment mai mai pass hu tu abhe autum 2014 mai mai ne 2nd semester k liye admssion k or subject ye hy ..urdu criticism I…code no 5605,urdu criticism II…code no 5606,urdu poetry I..code no 5607..urdu poetry II ..code no 5608…………….sir mai ne en subject mai admission lainay kk liye admission bej de hy

  147. shahnawaz

    my friend is strck in english intermeadte how he apply the ba?

  148. Awais

    sir new student k lia admission form kahan sa mila ga ka ?

    • aioupk

      From Banks and from AIOU regional offices.

  149. saima akram

    plzzzzzzzzzzz give me ans

  150. saima akram

    mai ne MA urdu k 2nd semester k liye admission form beja ta mai ne first semseter autum 2013 mai k te first semester k liye assigment submit k lakin papaer nahe diya assigment mai mai pass hu tu abhe autum 2014 mai mai ne 2nd semester k liye admssion k or subject ye hy ..urdu criticism I…code no 5605,urdu criticism II…code no 5606,urdu poetry I..code no 5607..urdu poetry II ..code no 5608…………….sir mai ne en subject mai admission lainay kk liy form beja ta….sir mery qustin ka ans do ab mai kia karo k objection letter aya hy

  151. Ruqyya

    how can I get an online admission form for b.ed???

    • aioupk

      New students can’t get admission forms online, only continue students are allowed to download their forms. If you are new, you should buy prospectus from baks or from AIOU regional offices.

  152. saima akram

    salam sir sir mai ne jo objection letter ka kaha ta k objection letter aya hy tu sir mai ne pata k tu wo keh rahy hy k abhe 3rd semester k admission ho rahy hy tu mai ne tu 2nd k k ki te q k 2nd semester mai ne admission nahe k te tu abhe wo keh rahy hy k 3rd semester k admssion karo tu sir mujye zara kindly ye bata dy zara k abhe wo form or 3rd semester k jo or fees hy wo mai bank mai jama karwasakte hu ya us k liye aiou islamabad jana hoga plzzz sir mujye es k reply jaldi daina plzzz..k mai es objection letter ko or jo mai ne 2nd semester k liye admssion k hy us k recipt ko or or jo paisy aye gy tu us ko mai bank mai jama karwasakte hu ya again paisy jama karny hogy

    • aioupk

      Bank me jama karwa sakte hain 15 October tak

  153. nazishsarfraz

    Sir kya k bad m.ed kia ja sakta hai

  154. nazishsarfraz

    Sir Maine b.ed ki fee submit kerwa di hui hai mujhy kesy pata chaly ga k mera admission hua k ni hua or books kb tak milyn gi.

  155. abdur rauf

    Sir Admission Form
    Continuing Students Autumn 2014 ki last date kia hai…???

  156. saima akram

    salam sir sir ek confusion hy mera sir mai ne abhe 2nd semeseter k admssion k te tu objection letter aya k abhe 3rd semester k admssion ho rahy tu sir mai ne serf us objection letter py he wo 3rd semester k subject lik diye or bank challan be sath mai attach k tu sir koi masla tu nahe hoga na q k mai ne again form fill nahe k tu sir koi masla tu nahe hoga…plzzzzzzzzz sir ye bata dy zara jalde

  157. safeena

    15 October 2014 ky baad late fee submitt ho gi kia?

    • aioupk

      No, ye last date hi hai late fees k sath. Is k bad aap admission nahi bhej sakte.

  158. mehroshmahi1

    sir autumn season ke books kub ayain ge?
    or unki asingment pahli kub jama honi hain?

  159. mehroshmahi1

    sir autumn season main jinu na admsion lyia hain unki books kub ayain ge?
    or unki pahli asingment kub jama kerwani hain ?

  160. adeelghouri

    sir mera admsion ni hua to ab koi hal ho sakta he

  161. saima akram

    sir mera form obejction mai ta tu abhe mai ne wo objection remove kar de or again submit kar diye tu sir abhe mujye kaisy pata chaly ga k mera admission confirm ho giya hy plz wo method bata dy ..thank u

  162. saira kausar

    sir agar hmara semester feb 2015 mein start ho ga to autumn and spring semester mein kia farq hai?

    • aioupk

      admission k timing k hisab se naam rakhe hain. New admission me processing me time lag jata hai us k bad semester time par chalte hain.

  163. Rana Sohail

    AOA sir please tell me M Phil Islamis entry test kis type k ho ga
    Subjective yan Objective

  164. raheem


  165. raheem


  166. m abid

    any help contect me adm information assignment and other my cell number 03361002806

  167. ali

    I have done BA from AIOU in 2012. now i want to study economics as an additional subject, can i take admission in just 1 subject as an additional subject?

  168. raheem

    plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz reply me

  169. mehrooz

    mba ki classes kb start houn gi

  170. saima akram

    sir mera form obejction mai ta tu abhe mai ne wo objection remove kar de or again submit kar diye tu sir abhe mujye kaisy pata chaly ga k mera admission confirm ho giya hy plz wo method bata dy ..tha

  171. raheem

    sir kindly tel me k books kb tk ahn gi plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i m wating

  172. zunaira

    Sir b ed ki books kub aya ge…..

  173. abdul

    kindly tell me that from which uni i can take adm in MBA or MPA private and tell me which is better tanx
    ur quick response wll be highly appreciated

  174. Muhammad Waleed Raza

    kia ap muje bata sakta he k jo autumn 2014 mai bscs k admissions hoa h un k classes kb start ho ga aur further ya k admission process kab complete ho ga ?

    • aioupk

      Yes, aap ne Autumn 2014 me BSCS me admision bhej diya hai, Now wait for books, apki classes February 2015 me start hon gi, is se pehle apko books recieve ho jaein gi or ap ko study center se letter aye ga jis par apko center jana hoga wahin apki classes hongi regular. Start k 2 semesters me kuch subjects distance learning k hain un k tutor letters bhi ap ko receive honge, us k alawa baki sub subjects regular hote hain BSCS mein.

      • Muhammad Waleed Raza

        muje abi tak admission confirmation message receive nahi hoa h . can you tell me about my admission confirmation please?

          • Muhammad Waleed Raza

            excuse me sir is web per to sirf admission confirmation for the spring semester 2014 tak h ha. How can i check admission for autumn 2014 from this web please tell me sir.

          • Muhammad Waleed Raza

            I have checked on the ink you sent under auto-mun semester but no record is found against my name and even against chalan form number. Can you please recheck it for me, i would appreciate you. My challan number is 461894

  175. jamilfarooq

    sir mea na 28 august KO admission keya tha ba me a first semester mea muja abi tak books ka kuch pata muja kasa pata chala ga mera admission ho gaya Aur ba general group no 3 ke fee prospectus pe fee 2745 the kya yahi ha plz muja jald reply Dan mea bhot pershan Han

    • aioupk

      University Ne books mail karna start kar diya hai, 40 thousands se bhi zyada students ko books send karni hai, We started from Matric level. BA ko books milte howe 1 month lag jae ga. So please be patience and wait for books and tutor letters. You academic session will be started from feb, 2015.

  176. waqas suduzai

    9-10 k admission KB hu gay? Today is 30-10-2014 .. Next admission KB hu gay? I am waiting ..reply me

    • aioupk

      Next Admissions will opened in February 2015 for Spring 2015 semester. So that time you can apply for Matriculation.

  177. Bint e hawa

    salam sir Kia Aiou sy FSC ho sahkti hy kia? pr medical …. Tell me fast plz

    • aioupk

      Yes You can take admission in Pre-Medical but admissions are closed this time. You should in next semester Spring 2015.

  178. mariam ali

    Sir kia m ed k admition k leye b ed krna zruri h m a k bad m ed mn direct admition nai mil sakta kia?

  179. raqeeb

    Plz Confirm Karen CT k Admission Kb statr hon ge

    • aioupk

      Admissions are closed, will open again in February 2015 for Spring 2015 semester.

  180. saima akram

    sir mery pechy objection lettr aya ta wo obejction mai ne remove k ab mujy kaisy pta chaly ga k mera admission confrm hogya hy

  181. attiya ne abi september me b.ed me admission liya he.muje abi tk B.ed ki books nhi mili,me khud books lun ya books ka wait krun

    • aioupk

      wait kar lein abhi kisi ko books nahi mil hain.

  182. samina nasir

    Sir main ne B.ed ka admission beja hwa ha, Autumn 2014 , us ki books kab Ayn gi aur main kesy check kron k rgstration ho chuki hai

  183. samina nasir

    Sir mujy out of country Jana ha iss liy detail bata dain k AGR autumn 2014 main b.ed ka add mission bejyn to 1st and 2 nd smester and final exam kab hon gay, plz kindly inform me

    • aioupk

      1st semester k exams June/ July me hon ge or 2nd semester k exams November/December me honge.

  184. shabaz sethi

    salaam sir ma na ap sa ya phocna tha k mj f.a genal group semister 1 ki books kb milae gi? mj foam jama karae 3 months ho gae hae.plzzzz plzzz tell me.aiou ki fa genal group ki books kb distribute ho gii?sirr plzzzzzzz answer me………….

  185. shabaz sethi

    salaam sir ma na ap sa ya phochna tha k mj f.a genal group semister 1 ki books kb milae gi? mj form jama karae 3 months ho gae hae.plzzzz plzzzz tell me aiou ki fa genal group ki books kb distribute ho gii?sirrr plzzzz answer mee………….

    • aioupk

      just wait some more days, already send books to matriculation level. next number is yours. that is Intermediate level students

  186. muhammad ishaq

    Mae nae B ed (2014) k leya admition kya hai par ab talk books waghara nahee ayae plz cnfrm kara day k kab tak melae game

  187. muhammad ishaq

    Mae nae M ed k leye admition kya taxa par mujae Na books melee Na koi later Maya ab Mae malum karna chahta hoo k agar Mara admition nahee Howa tao kya muje fee dobara mell salt a hai ya nahee jab k baqee students ko books waghara mell chukae hai

    • aioupk

      Aap sub se pehle tu apne city k resgional office se pata karen k apko books kyun nahi mili hain, kiya aap k admission form me koi objection tu nahi hai ?. agar phir bhi apka problem solve nahi hota tu aap fees refund karwa sakte hain or agar chahe tu dobara admission le kar wahi fees us me adjustmenet karwa sakte hain. Is k liye aap yahan se -> Feed refund ya fees adjustmenet ka form download karen or fill kar k AIOU ko send karen. Send karne ka address bhi form k under likha hai. Thank You.

  188. shabaz sethi

    salaam sir ma na ya phochna tha k agr f.a genal group semister 1 ki books aur letters candidate ko time pa naw milae tu phr new admission kaha sa apnae foam k barae ma pata karae?………..sir plzzzzzzzzzz answer me……….

    • aioupk

      Apko apni details apne regional office se pta chal sakti hain, agar ap ne abhi Autumn 2014 me admission liya hai tu pareshaan na hoon, thora wait karen apko books or letters receive ho jaein ge. Abhi University ne start kiya hai send karna.

  189. sahdia rani

    salaam sir i want to conform my admission in m phil iqbaliat .kindly tell me how can i conform.

  190. shabaz sethi

    salaam sirr ma na ap sa ya phochna tha k f.a genal group semister 1 k exams kis month ko hotae hae?actually ma new admission ho isliyae thora cunfuse ho sir plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz answer me.

    • aioupk

      May/June kay month me hote hain exams. Pichli bar 5, May se start howe they FA kay exams.

  191. mariam ali

    Kindly tell mee sir k m a krny k bad m ed ho sakta hy kia?? Ya pehly b ed Karna zrurri hey??? Plzz inform me

  192. Muhammad Waleed Raza

    Sir I have checked my admission on the admission inquiry page but no record is found about my name and even challan no. So I request you to check my admission fo me please my challan no is 461894

    • aioupk

      Please wait one day or two then try again, records are updated as confirmed. Bohat sare students ka data update nahi howa hai, jese jese database update hoti jae gi sub ki information show ho jae gi, link wahi hai jahan se apne check kiya hai.

  193. rabia khalid

    mia f.a part 1 ki student hu mera admision autumn mai hua tha plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz tel me k mujy books kb tk mil jye gi

    • aioupk

      You will soon receive your books, University already send books to Intermediate FA level students. Still if you don’t get your books till next week then contact, or visit your city regional office. But this time you have to wait some more time.

  194. iram

    sir main ne admission liya hai autumn 2014 per maira admission confirm nahi ho raha objection mein bi nahi hai maira name plzzz sir bata dain k main apna admission kaise confim keron plzzz

    • aioupk

      Don’t worry, Bohat sare students ka name online confiormation me show nahi ho rha but esa nahi hai k apka admission confirm nahi hai. Kiya apko books mil gayi hain ? agar nahi receieve hoi tu aap in numbers par contact karen 051-9250185, 051-9057281, 051-9057611 Apka study time period / session December kay last week tak start hoga so abhi kafi time hai, I think is se pehle apka admission confirm ho jae ga.

  195. faisal

    sir . i have done BA 44% .and i take admission MBA please sir may kiya karro mujay ab kiya karna hai reply

    • aioupk

      To get admission in MBA you should have secured at least 45% marks. Try to improve one or two subjectin which you got lowest marks. When admission will open again in next semester then Apply for MBA. Good Luck.

  196. nazish

    MUJHY mba mai admission lyna hy mai ny bsc pass kia hy .kia mujhy mba mai addmision mil jaey ga . or MBA MAI ADMISION KI NEW DATES KIA HY. plllllllllllllllz tell me

  197. shabaz sethi

    salaam sir agr admission foam ma koi mistake ho jae ya phr vo miss place ho jae tu phr new admission k liyae dobara feec jama karani parti ha kya?

  198. shabaz sethi

    sir kindly tell me k agr admission foam ma koi mistake ho jae ya phr vo miss place ho jae to dobara admission k liyae phr sa feec submit karani ho gi?

    • aioupk

      No, agar apkay form me koi objection ya mistake ati hai tu University apko form wapis send kare gi for correction. or agar ap ne fees University ko hi send ki hai but form misplace hogaya hai. tu ap usi fees ko adjust karwa sakte hain again admission le kar. aap apni raseed ki copy sath lagaein jo apko bank se mili thi fees submit kay bad. or aiou ki website se feed adjustment ka form download karen or us ko fill kar k sath attach kar k send karen.

  199. rabia khalid

    Salaam sir abi tk books nai mili kb mily ji 3 monts ho gye hai admision ko mera admision hua b hai k nai plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bta dy

  200. iqra ikram

    mra admission ho chuka hai but mje ab tk books ni mili. tell me k kb tk books mile gi

    • aioupk

      bus aaj kal me mil jaein ge, I think maximum 2 weeks or lagein ge. 25 Nov se University se books send karna start kiya hai. 40 thousands students hain, thora time tu lage ga. Apka academic study session December k last week me start hoga. So apka time waste nahi hoga.Is se pehle books ajaein ge apki.

      • by farhan

        sir mainy 1 weak pahly b.ed kiadmsn fee wapis karny ky lea application di the lakin ab mujy b.ed karna hai to main wo applicatin cancel karwa sakti hun

        • aioupk

          Kar tu sakte hain, lekin ab application under process ho gi tu problem ban sakti hai, aap B.ed k liye alag fees submit karwa dena or ye fees wapis le lein refund karwa k.
          Wese Fees adjustment ka form available hai wo use kiya ja sakta hai again admission k liye.

  201. iqra ikram

    jin ka admission ho chuka hai une books kb tk mile gi?

  202. Shahrukh Ali

    Aoa Autumn K Admissions ki Confirmation Kab Tak Hoge Mujha 15 nov ka btaya gaya tha lekin abhi tak nhi ho rahe hai confirm i tni late hoga tou books kab ayenge orStudy Kab Karenga Papers Ki 🙁

  203. Shahrukh Ali

    Na he mera name objections me arha hai or na he admissions me Autumn 2014 K 🙁

    • aioupk

      Tamam students k record Autumn 2014 me abhi tak update nahi kiye gaye hain. W8 karen apko books mil jaein ge. Kam se kam 2 weeks or wait karen I hope is doran books mil jaein ge. 25 November se tu books send karna start kiya hai University ne.

  204. Ali haider

    B.a ma admission lyna ho to kya process h iska

  205. Ali haider

    Ktnay years ma huga b.a?

    • aioupk

      2 years. 4 semester – 6 month each semester.

  206. sana akram


    • aioupk

      WS, Books or admission ki tension na lein.. abhi bohat sare students ko books nahi mili hain. Aap ka study time university k hisab se 25 December k bad start hoga. Jab tak apka admission confirm ho jae ga, Still agar apko tension hai tu aap in numbers par contact karen or apne admission ka status maloom kar lein 051-9250185, 051-9057281, 051-9057611,

      • Abrar

        AOA,sir B.A k admission ki kia date hai?

  207. mushi

    sir kia library sciences ma 1 year k koi short course hai m. a k ilawa jo hum kar sakay jo faslati tarakay sa kar sakay koi or short term course hai to ya b bata da ………

  208. shabaz sethi

    salaam sir ma na apsa ya phochna tha k mj abhi tak fa genal group semister 1 ki books nhe mili tu kya ab ma head office call kr lo ya phr aur wait kro?sirrrr plzzzz tell me because ma bht tension ma ho plzzzzzzz sira………

  209. shabaz sethi

    salaam sir ma na apsa ya phochna tha k mj abhi tak fa genal group semister 1 ki books nhee mili?tu kya ab ma head office call kr lo ya phr aur wait kro?sir plzzz tell me because ma bht tension ma ho plzzzz sir

    • aioupk

      pta kar lein, wese apka academic session December kay last week se start hoga. Is se pehle apko books mil jaein gi. Ek week or wait kar lein monday tak na ayen books tu phir complain kar lein is numbers par 051-9250185, 051-9057281, 051-9057611,

  210. Farhana

    sir B.A complete ho gya hy .kya b.a k bad MBA yaha ho skta hy

  211. saleem

    salam ne ye pata krna tha k noc lena chahta hun to kia documents by post bej sakta hun ya khud jana ho ga?

  212. namrah shahzad

    plz infom me k b.ed autumn 2014 kb sy start hoga or books kb tk ana shoro hoge

  213. Tahir hassan

    sir 9th or 10th ky admission ke last date kia hy?

  214. saira

    Aoa?sir kiya ap muje aiou ki jobs ke barey mey bita saktey hey ?koi c b jobs
    reply sooon

  215. saira

    Aoa sir agir ham m.a panjab ka kare to kiya os ke sath hi aiou sey m.phil kar saktey hey?aur m.phil ketne sall mey hota hey?

    • aioupk

      Ek time par two degrees nahi kar sakte 2 different Universities se otherwise dono cancel ho jaein gi. Agar apne karna hai tu phir kar lein lekin University ko inform nahi karna k aap Punjab University se bhi MA kar rahe hain, Na hi Punjab University ko Inform karna hai k aap M.Phil AIOU se kar rhae hain. I hope you understand my point.
      M.Phil kis me karna chahte hain aap, I means like M.Phil in Urdu or M.Phil in Physics or any other. Duration Two years hai. Urdu wale kay 2 semesters hain.
      M.phil Maximum period for course work two years
      M.phil Maximum period for thesis work three years

  216. nosheen akram

    sir fa ki books abhi tak nhe mili.tu ab kya kro?kb tak books milae gi?

  217. sumara

    AoA sir mein ne autumn 2014 mein B.Ed ka admission bhihwaya tha lekin abhi tk muje books ni mile aur na ha admission confirm ka pata chal rha ha sir kindly bta de kb tk books mil jai gi

  218. nosheen akram

    sir mj abhi tak f.a genal groupki books nhe mili hae?so ab mj kya karna chahiyae?sir plz tell me?

  219. farhin

    Sir him NY four forms submit karway thy. Only one name has appeared in ADM web link, although we submit the forms altogether. Sir kab Malay he books? Kab aye ga name on or web? One more thing sir ba mein kia ,merit banta hai? San ko ADM nave Malta?

  220. iqra ikram

    plz rpli me . me ktne dino se mail kri hun, k books kb mile ge b.ed ki

  221. iqra ikram

    aiou tu rpli ni krte koi mje bta skta hai k b.ed ki books kb mile gi me ne 1st time aiou me admissin lia hai or kuch smj ni a ri

    • raza

      i think tum sidra ikram ki sister o? 🙂 books INSHALLAH JALD aa jaen gi. sometimes apko apny post office se pta krna parrta hy qk post waly books pohnchany me suusti krty hyn. post waly ka nmber ly kr bhai waghera se usko call krwaen address confirmation k baad usko chaaye paani ki yaqeen dihani krwa dyn toh hr dafa books time pr mil jati hyn…

      • aioupk

        exactly, You are right Raza

  222. israr

    sir muje abi tak ptc ki books nhi melen plz help me

  223. ubaid ullah

    sir g ma ne to ptc autmn ma admission kya abi tak book nahe mile 3 moths to gaye ha sir

  224. israr

    sir muje books nhi melen ptc ki ab kahan se melen gi inform me plz

    • aioupk

      Please contact books mailing department via Phone in these numbers 051-9250185, 051-9057281, 051-9057611
      Its too late for PTC students, You should get your books in time. Call them and know about the status of your books. ALso visit your Post office, May be they don’t deliver your books.

  225. Imitiaz Ahmed

    Sir, BA ka new Admission lia ha. plz Abhi tk Books Nai milien rreply me……………

  226. ubaid ullah

    ye ptc ke ke book kab mile ge sar 3 moths ho chke ha plzzzzzz reply me

  227. muneer ali

    sir me ne BA autumn 2014 me ist semester me admission kia ab me kese confirm kersakta ho ka mera admission hwa he ya Nazi plz tel me

  228. muneer ali

    sir me ne BA autumn 2014 me ist semester me admission kia ab me kese confirm kersakta ho ka mera admission hwa he ya Nai plz tel me

  229. aniqa

    sir mainy 1 week pahly b.ed ki fee wapis karny ky lea applicatin di the.lakin ab main b.ed karna chahti kya application cancel karwa cakti hun main.

  230. ayesha jarral

    mein ny ba mein admisn laina h kindly mjy btyye k admsn kb open ho gy

    • aioupk

      Admission February 2015 me open hon ge, aap ne kis course me admission lena hai ? Admission Spring 2015 semester k liye open hon ge aap us me apply karna.Admission kii exact date update kar dein ge jab announce hogi.

  231. ayesha jarral

    mein aiou k bary mein kuchni janti hu plz tel me soon as posbl plzzzzz

  232. ZAIB

    PLS help AIOU … Muje B.A 4th semester ka admission from nai mela taa. js ki waja se main admission nai bej saka main kia karo ab esa jo mera admission chala jahe 4th semester ka?????? plssss tell me??

  233. FAHIM

    one and half month tak aah jay-an geeeeeeeeeeeeee

  234. Aarfa Siddiqi

    Please sir btaein F.a general group part one ki books kb tak aein gi

  235. sonia

    plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz reply me when will books delivered to b.ed Autumn season students plz informed me

    • sonia

      yar bata do plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  236. Arslan Nawaz

    with due respect , it is submitted that I already submitted my admission form (No.409352 for B.ed-ARTS),but i have not yet received any confirmation about my admission…

    • aioupk

      You will receive your books, tutor letters before January start, You will not get any confirmation from University. Your academic session will start from Last week of December, So if you can not receive books till 25th of December then contact your regional office, but I hope you will get your books + assignments etc within time.

      • Arslan Nawaz

        Thanks Sir for provide me such information

      • Arslan Nawaz

        Sir I have no received any books or any information about my admission for B.ed . My form number is 409352 and my registration # 09PLE06222.

  237. kinza

    Sir Please kindly tell me when will i recieve C.T books?

  238. ubaid ullah

    sir ap muge bataye ke B.A KE ADDMISSION kab ho ge replay sir confirm date bataye ye sar ok
    i am wait sir

  239. farrah

    aoa sir mjy MBA kr books nahi mili abhi tk kindly bta dyn kb tk mlyn g thanks

  240. urusa muhammad khan

    I have submitted my F.A admission form in August 2014 , challan number 214(006544) ABL Saeedabad Baldia Town, Karachi,Br.code 0714 but still I have not received my books . Please confirm my admission soon.

  241. nazish sarfraz

    A.o.o sir kindly beta dyn kya k bad ma English kia ja sakta hai

  242. nazish sarfraz

    Kindly tell me can we do ma English after

  243. Muhammad Khalid K Khan

    kia aiou main llb ho sakti hai please reply must agr ap k pass malomat houm i m from haripur

  244. Muhammad Ahmed Asghar

    Asslam O Alaikum hope u will be fine. please tell me the fees of Simple Ba and also tell daily lecture or workshop is required? We done I com in 2010 can i get admission in aiou? I am belong to poor family no one source of income. any fees relief here
    waiting 4 answer
    Advance bundle of thanks

  245. Muhammad Waleed Raza

    I have taken admission in BS(CS) and I have also received admission confirmation . but I have not received any update about classes and books .can you update me sir and more that I live in Lahore so where will my classes start.

  246. nosheen akram

    sir mera admission f.a ma ho gya ha ma na website pr chek kiya but mj abhi tak books nhe na apnae post office sa bhe pata karaya ha uno na koi responce nhe diya.tu ab ma kya head office jao?sir plzzzzzzz mj bata daeplzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    • aioupk

      Madam, aap in Numbers par contact karen apni books kay bare me status pta karne k liye.
      051-9250185, 051-9057281, 051-9057611

  247. ali raza

    Sir abi tak koi pata ni chala k mera addmisn howa ha k ni na koi letter aya ha.B.A ka chalan number 155744 ha plz bata do koi

  248. zarrar hussain

    a o a sir M B A admissin kb tk open ho rahy hain

  249. fazalullah

    sir I am working in Saudi Arab basically I am Pakistani I want to continue my education so i want admissions for FAC .
    When admission will open and whats the proceder .

    • aioupk

      You should take admission as a overseas Pakistani Student. Visit website for Overseas Students here
      You need to download admission form and prospectus online from given site and send it to the address given on the form. All information and instructions are given there.

  250. sanam mumtaz

    AOA sir mujy abi tak books nai mile plz ap muj baty book,s kab tk mily ge .BA m admission liya ha mnay m bhot tension m hu

  251. Muhammad Waleed Raza

    Sir me ne autumn 2014 me BSCS me admission lia tha please muje bata da k mare classes kab tak start ho g aur books kab mila g please tell me sir

  252. nosheen akram

    sir mj plzz ya bata da k f.a genal group ki book it english ma ha usae urdu ma study karnae k liyae mj feec dani ho gi.sir plzzzzz plzzzz tell me

  253. raheem

    sir b.a ki solve assignments ki web site bta dhan plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  254. Arslan Nawaz

    Sir I have no received any books or any information about my admission for B.ed . My form number is 409352 and my registration # 09PLE06222.

  255. robina nasira

    Aoa! sir ap se yeh pochna tha k mn MSC economics mn admission krwya tha , mujhy aj hi just three books mili hain . code no 801,802,803 hain, kia first semester ki yehi three books hain or kb se assignments submit krwani hain . mujhy es Kay bary mn information nhi hai , plz tell me plz plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  256. fakhra shahzadi

    a o a
    plz muje Jana ha k meri books b.a smester2 ki kb tak aye gi or ab smester2 ka exam kb ho ga I am continue student plz………………..inform me

  257. willma

    i have lost my roll no slip and have registration no of B.A but now i am doing B.ed so how i can solve my problem

  258. Taliba Sadiq

    AOA, Sir, i live in KSA and i want to know some details related to admission for BBA 2015. What would be the last date and open date for admission in spring as in now. And is it right i can study with sitting here at home and no need to come pakistan for anything. Plus how should i pay for fees and how much will be the fees. what are the requirements for accepting as a BBA students, are A-Level students acceptable. do they need to give equivalance certificate?
    i would appreaciate a response asap.
    Thank you.

  259. fakhra shahzadi

    Thanks k meri books aa gai ha but muje pochna ha k books k sath next admition form nai aya Jase pechli dafa aaya tha plz muje btayen k wo kb aye ga ya Kaha se mile ga agle smester ka admition Kase bhajay gay

  260. fakhra shahzadi

    plz tell me meri b.a autumn smester 2 ki books aa gai ha but next smester k liay admition form nai aya sath plz wo b bhaj den my roll no ay455089

  261. fakhra shahzadi

    plz tell me muje next admition form k bare me kya krna chahye meri books k sath form nai aya ha plz.. …………….reply me

  262. rukshanda jabeen

    Hy fakhra shahzadi ! How are you ? i am Rukshanda . your problem will be solved not worry Before friendship me .

  263. rukshanda jabeen

    sorry main batana bhol gai k main b M.A education ki student hu if you want to help me then contact me . In which you read level . Quick reply me

  264. Shaista nazir

    Aoa.sir ma ny b.a autumn 2014 k admit ion bheja hua ha but a bi tak books nae ii .pl z reply me.


    DAE(Diploma in Associate Education) K admission kb hain? plez inform me soon

  266. fakhra shahzadi

    a.o.a rakhshanda g plz solved my problem

  267. Rafia

    AoA plz mjy btaen k agr ma pu sy m.a kr lo or open uni sy m.phill kr lon.without inform keay uni ko to koi problum to ni bun jay ge kbi??or m.phill economics ke har smester ma fees ho ge kya??or yahan sy m.phill krny ma koi masla to ni ho ga clear krny ma

    • aioupk

      inform kiye bgher aap kar sakte hain dono jaga se same time pe degree, but never disclose it.

  268. fakhra shahzadi

    a.o.a my problem solved mera admition form aa gya ha thank u soo much

  269. irum shaheen

    ma na autumn 2014 maptc ka admission bja tha but abi tak books nahi milen.regional office sa contct kia tha but kooi books nahi milen.aur contct numbrs hmesha busy rhta ha.kindly teelll ussss

  270. iqra ikram

    b.ed ki tutors slip kab mile ge. ?

  271. iqra ikram

    b.ed ke tutors letter kab mile ge?

  272. asad

    Sir mba ki 1st assignments ki last date kia h nd mere pas mere kisi b tutor ka name ni aeya so me kia krn plzzzzzzz help me sir

  273. asad

    Sir plzzzzzzz reply me soon bcz muje schedule paper ni mila and i dont knw what is the last date of mba assignments plz sir help me aisa na ho k date guzar jae

  274. asia ashraf

    Asalam o Alaikum sir main ny 2014 main adimson karwa tha b.ed ka ais subject ka paper main fail the laiken mara admisson nae hua na books mili main ny application b bahji hai main ny cal b ki hai wo kag rahy hai ap ny jo fees submit karwai application lakh k sat wo raseed bahjy laiken mujy koi respons nae mill raha is k lay kiya karna ho ga

    • aioupk

      Kiya aap ne fail paper me dobara admission bheja tha ? ap ne jo fees submit ki thi uski bank raseed aap k pass hogi. Uski photocopy ap ko University send karni hogi ya phir aap apne city kay regional office visit karen. Smetime University wale ye mistakes karte hain unko recieve nahi hota admission form.

  275. iqra ikram

    sir plz tutors adress k bare me inform kre agar ghar adress ni ate tu kya ja kar lene pde ge. fone kro office tu koi fone bhi ni rceve ni krta. y tu koi rule na hua

  276. Muhammad Usman

    sir kia mujy bata sakty hain kay assignment ki last date kia hai fianl date plz tell me becuse i realy worried about .

  277. Naeem siddique

    please tell me when admission of ptc will be announced

  278. By Adnan Mahmood

    mujy abi tak maer books nyi mel payi
    please muj mare books send kr do
    B.A parogram hy semeste 2014 autumn hy
    bank chlan numbre ya hy(049898)

  279. Adnan Mahmood

    mn bot paryshan hun agr books na mele mujy to mara 1 semester zaia ho jy ga
    please send me My books

  280. maria Afzal

    AOA Sir, ma B.ED ki student hn mary ak tutorr code num 652 ka na to letter aya hai or na net per name aya hai or assignment jama krwany ki last date 28 hai ma lahore se hn mara roll nun BA619818 ha plzzzz mjhe tutor name bta dy ta k ma time se jama krwa dn

  281. iqra ikram

    mera bhi yhe problem hai maria. but as usual jb date guzar jai ge tab y rpli kre ge.


    I will be humble request to u,plz tell me expected date of exam B.A autumn 2014 will start ? I m physics tutor of AIOU. I will hope u to reply me after taking some information from your staff or faculty.thanks .JA ZAK ALLAH

    • aioupk

      Hi, It is not official website of University. You can contact your city regional office. I don’t think they will extend the dates for any individual.

  283. zahid

    AOA sir
    i have passed B.Ed Arts 1st semester and in 2nd semester i have to reappear in one paper (Teaching of general science 657).
    what i need to know from u please is:
    1. is B.Ed 2 semesters degree or more?
    2. what will be the fee of this single subject.?
    waiting sir

  284. atiya

    plz tell me expected date of exam b.ed semester autumn 2014 will start ?

  285. Ali Hassan

    Sir me ne Autum 2014 me admision lia tha b.a Mass Comunication me
    mujy books to aa gai hai par tutor ki koi information nhi aii.
    Aisgnment jama karwany ki aj last date thi par mjy books bohat late mili hain
    or me ne abi tak asignment likhi nhi hai or next smester ki fee jama karwa di hai
    to kia ma next smester k sath 1st smester ki asignment jama karwa sakta ho.

  286. pakiza nisar

    mujy abi tak assignment ki dates nahe mili…..mera program B.ed arts hy….aur meri books 26 feb ko issue hoe the…..mera roll no AZ662501 HY

  287. pakiza nisar

    Aur mera sem Autmun 2014 hy….plz reply me aur mujy plz assignments ki dates bahj dan….plz reply me????

  288. nosheen akram

    plz sir mj ya bata dae k f.a autumn 2014 ki assignment english 1 ki last submit date bata dae plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sir

  289. isra muhammed

    plzzz tell me when will the ist semester start and when it end and about all the 4 semesters

  290. isra muhammed

    plzzzz kiya mujhay koi batay ga sara semester kab shuroo honga aur kab khatam plzzzzzz

  291. Muhammad Ahmed Asghar

    Asslam O Alaikum Hope all of fine & good. aesa koi student jis ney Feb-March 2015 me B com 1st semester me admission liya ho?? agar koi hai to bata thy mil k combine study karaen gay assignment + exam

    if any have then send me Email my email id:

  292. malik

    Salaam.m n b.ed ka admission form September m submit krwaya that.but books nh milin.pata krny par yeh kaha k admission form nh mila.unhon n kaha apny challan form ki copy aur certificates post karain main n tcs karwa diey ab call Karun tau kuchh nh bataty KIA krun kindly help me.plzzzzzzzzzz

  293. by iqra ishfaq

    sir com ka paper urdu ma da sakth ha but mare books english ma aye ha plese ans

  294. by iqra ishfaq

    sir computer ka paper urdu ma da sakthe ha but mare books eng ma aye ha please anssssssssssssss

  295. sarah