Descriptive & Narrative Essays for BA /BS English-II 1424

Hi Students,

I am going to share some important descriptive and Narrative Essays for English subject. Its for all students but specially for AIOU – Allama Iqbal Open University Students of English-II course code 1424 which is offered in bachelors programs (BA / BS / B.Com) by University. By reading these essays you get ideas of topics and learn how to write narrative and descriptive English essays.

List of essays on first page :

1# My Aim in Life

2# A visit to a Hospital

3# A visit to a Hill Station

Page No# 1

2 English essays for BA AIOU

“Select Next Page from below to Continue…”contnue


  1. mominah javed

    a.o.a dear sir or mam,
    my name is mominah javed,i have done my f.a before 2006,after that i couldn’t continou my study now im married so its my desire to do b.a from aiou,
    plz give me some suggetion and information about post graduation and be.aid and also simple graduation,
    with fee instructions plz,i keenly needed to join my study again,plz help me out,..
    i,ll wait for your answer.
    take care Allahhafeez

  2. Mohammad Nawaz

    Aoa, i want to complete my education through aiou but i am working in Saudi Arabia. how i can continue my knowledge?
    i will wait for your reply sir,
    thanks & best regards

  3. shahid

    assalam alaikum!

    mari tyari nai ha. isi month mary papers ha. mjy koi short notes mil skty ha kya. jin ki madad sy ma kam arsay ma tyari kr sako. or pas ho jao.


    • aioupk

      Yes Shahid. I have complete notes of English 1424. Just email me, and ask me for 1424 notes and details I will send you all links and stuff for preparations of 1424 course. I also recommend you to buy seher keybook which is very helpful. Thanks

  4. rahat

    salam sir,
    i m the student of b.a.i want to get gud marks in b.a but i m much confused about paper A plz give me some hints to solve paper A as well as Paper B precise thanks

  5. zulfiqar Ali

    My daughter annum zulfiqar passed the B.Ed examine under Roll #AV635018 .we have received the DMC. The instructions were recorded on the envelope for getting the degree on urgent basis .The requisite fee Rs 1200/deposited in HBL BANK MANSEHRA (BRACH CODE 0663)and the draft along with requisite documents were sent to degree section AIOU on 31.1.2015 but yet not get the original degree despite of compliance of instructions with in stipulated time.
    I request you to kindly send the same for our educational record please.
    zulfiqar Ali
    H #242/D Ghazikot township
    mansehra postal code

  6. sadia

    i want some important eassy for paper .paper 1424 code 6 ko ha plz snd me

  7. faraz

    Salam.sir,ma ya pata karna chahta hon k ma fa open say clear ki ha.r dmc k apply karna parta ha ya khud ah jati ha.r ya b bta den k m nay BA ma admission k liye apply kar diya ha Aiou ma,but us k sath matric k sanad r fa k 4 semester ka pass result k copy submit kr k baj di ha.admision ho jye gaa
    Plz tell me

  8. Maryam Akhtar Ch

    I’ve a english exam coming this month. I need some notes as i’ve the text book which is not enough to prepare my exam. I need to know that from where should i get that sahar keybook? Is it available on any book store?
    The material in the text book is a bit difficult and im confused as well, all i need is some notes, so should i buy that sahar keybook?
    Please help me out! code 1424!

  9. nasra

    Sir a.o.a.I want to apply in Aiou as tutor.l am a govt I apply for tutor ship.plz send detail and about tutor ship advertisements plz sir I am waiting for your answer.

  10. noureen joseph

    hi plz I want guess papers of BA

    • fahad Umair

      Mujh bhi chiya hai 2018 k English Part-II BA/BS – AIOU Old Papers

  11. wajiha

    asalam o allikum
    sir now i am going to get addmision in third semister .I want to know about 1425 course .r this subject is difficult to study .what is ur opnion as i am married

  12. Faisal

    A. O. A sir i am wants to some important guess in English 1424. Please some help me about this paper and give suggestions.

  13. Sana aslam

    Dear sir
    My name is sana Aslam
    Please tell me when is my roll number slip BA spring 2017 arrived at the Aiou website page.

  14. abubakarsadique

    Sir koi short notes mil sekte hein his ki madad se me pass ho jao

  15. fahad Umair

    English Part-II BA/BS – AIOU Old Papers or Guess paper hain available…2018 k liya please let me know

  16. Ali

    Sir i m a student of b.a and i m cannot understand english 1423 . its all about tenses plz help me in this regard

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