Course Name : Islamic Studies
Level : 2nd Year –2nd Year
Board : Federal Education
Year : 2014 annual paper
Type : Guess pape
The Islamic Study (Ikhtiari) is not compulsory subject for all students of intermediate . They have depend on student choice either he / she selected Islamiat Conditional as for his subject or refers other subjects as comparatively. Islamiat Studies (Ikhtayari) paper is divided into two parts objective and second one is subjective . In first part there are twenty question given in your objective paper which further have two parts . In first part 10 incircle the correct answers and other ten MCQ’s which contain Arabic words meanings in which you circle the correct one , each have four options and you circle the correct one . The next part of paper that the Fed. Board divide is the subjective type in which it has two categories . Short questions and Brief questions . In both categories there is also choice of attempting the paper .
Objective of Islamic Study Ikhtayari HSSC 2
Object Paper of Islamiat (in English)

Subjective of Islamic Studies Federal Board HSSC 2
thankx it is very helpful 4 all ist year best offfffffffff luuuuuuuuuucccckkkkkkk ttttoooooooooo all studentsssssssssssss…………….
best of luck ist year 4rm me pari gul