Name : Library Science
Level : HSSC part 2
Federal Education
Period : 2014
Obj/Sub Guess /Old papers
Library Science is not a compulsory subject of intermediate .It is the course subject of Arts and General Science student . Generally its difficult for student to search out these kind of subjects which are generally considered irregular subjects.So students mostly want to find the paper patter or guess papers of these courses , so just because of the students welfare and their progression and aim that maximum students should pass and would get good marks in their final board examination.
In Library Science as other subjects there is also objective and subjective theory paper . Obj-type has twelve (12) CORRECT THE RIGHT ANSWER . In which you have to just the circle the correct answer . For the preparation of this you have to follow your course book which your institute and board has refer you .As same sub-type have three (3) questions in which you have choice to attempt any two (2).