Pakistan Studies 5 Year Old Papers/Model Paper Federal Board HSSC-II 2013


Class :   Intermediate / Second Year

Subject  :Pakistan Studies

Paper:  FBISE 

Time  : Past Papers till 2014

Type :Old/ Model paper

 Description :-

Pakistan Studies is the most important subject of your course. It is one of the compulsory or lazmi  subject of all education boards . The candidates studies this subject in English or Urdu according to their wants and wishes .Pakistan Studies or Mutala Pakistan for Urdu medium students its all have about the Pakistan History , how this country came into being? Its geographical factors , Political influence , Economical situation and also the Culture of the people that live in this society . This subject also based on Quaid-e-Azam and other loyal leaders that worked came into being Pakistan.The relation of the country with other countries and Islamic neighborhood.

 New Paper Pattern:-

According to the new pattern of your board the marking is strict in order to maintain the standard of education . You have to attempt paper as your instructor would tell you. Pakistan Studies paper is divided into two categories one is subjective or another is objective type . In obj.. there are ten 10  multiple choice questions . The important thing is that beware while doing the MCQ’s because cutting and over writing is considered a wrong answer. The sub.. have 11 short questions there is choice available in this section . The other important sec is long theory which have three 3 questions given and it would enforce to attempt two 2 questions.

All papers including English , Urdu Translation with their different years of objective/subjective  along with the supplementary past papers and model Papers are available below:-


Objective of Pakistan Studies FBISE 2nd Year

Pakistan Studies HSSC 2 FBISE

Mutala Pakistan Past/Model Paper 2nd Year

Pakistan Studies /Mutala Pakistan Federal Board Past Paper 2013

Subjective of Pakistan Studies Federal Board Intermediate

Pakistan Studies Subjective Past Paper HSSC II FBISE


  1. sonia

    hellow me sonia
    i want to buy these shoes

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