Physics Guess Model Past Papers Federal Board FBISE 1st year 2014

Subject Name : Physics

Class : 11th HSSC-I (Intermediate) First Year

Year : Held on 2013 and best for exam preparation of 2014 and upcoming year 2015

Type : Past Papers / Model Guess paper

These papers will help you to understand the pattern of exams. As you know Federal Board of intermediate education FBISE is consider tough and you don’t need to write extra descriptions. If you want to get full marks FBISE is best choice for you. You should write all answers to the point and got full marks in theory papers too.

17 MCQ’s  of Physics (Objective Paper)
Physics Past Paper of Federal Board First year 2014 Physics FBISE Old paper Model Guess paper FBISE 2014 Section “B”  & “C” Long Questions / Answers of Physics (Important)Physics Model Pattern paper of federal board HSSC Part 1 2014 Physics Pre-engineering Guess paper FBISE 2015 Supplementary / Improvement Paper of Physics for HSSC-I

Part A – Multiple Choice Questions Physics Federal Board 2014 Past papers Physics ICS Model solved papers 2014 class 11th Section “B” Subjective part of paperPhysics Guess paper for First year HSSC FBISE 2014 Physics Old Paper / solved guess paper 2014This is comparatively difficult subject in the course of F.Sc Inter level. Specially Numerical Problems, formulas solution and mathematical proofs in Physics. Equations proofs and their simplification and physical logic’s and concepts are main things in paper. You have to prepare all exercises available at the end of every chapter. Specially short answers mostly come from the book and don’t forget to read “do you know”, interesting points, formulas,units etc for objective MC’Q questions.

Above we share some previous year papers which help you a lot. Keep in touch with us for more stuff.


  1. shumaila ashiq

    please send a solved papers (quickly)

  2. Nouman

    Asalam o alikum ,
    Sir main ne 11 class 2 supply ka paper diaey Aur 12 class all subject diay lekin 12 class all subject fail hai Aur 11 class 2 supply Bhi fail hai. toh kia class 11 dobara 2 supply paper de sakhta ho.

  3. Sana aslam

    Meray iss sal f.SC pre medical KY paper hia please pray 4 me.

  4. Khadija iftikhar

    Can I get these solved? …I need them solved….!

  5. kanwal

    where from and hhow can i get guess papper for 1st year 2018

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