Urdu Past /Model Papers of 2nd Year FBISE 2014

Subject Name  : Urdu ( LAZMI) 


FOR : federal Board 

Year : MANY YEARS including 2012 ,2013,  2014

Type : Old  /  Guess Papers 

Note :- Very helpful for your better grading in annual exams for your preparation.


Urdu is compulsory and very important subject for all students of general science , humanities etc . The Urdu lazmi contains poetry of different poets , question answers , mazmoon called essay which at-least more than 300 words or more than two pages . The paper also consists of short Q/answers which comes from your official text book or course content and your institute or board had given you in start of you session. The answer of all questions must be within three to four lines , do not explain extra ordinary its a negative point in sense of marking. One Q is Gazal you should explain all gazals poetry the proper way to attempt this question first of all write poet name then gazal or nazam name , after then you will briefly explain this question . One Question comes from chapter text which called iktabas ki Tashreeh explanation . In this you will write in simple Urdu or words meanings of difficult words along with chapter name or the writer name of the chapter . Be careful don’t explain ridiculous just write shortly and save your time . The other part of Urdu compulsory is multiple choice portion .In which twenty  Correct the right answers , which is relevant to the subject part. The writer / poets date of birth and the date of death is mostly comes in objective as well some MCQ s that given in your book is most important especially text book exercise .

 The supplementary papers , guess papers of objective , subjective and model papers are given below . Solved exercises also available at free of cost .

Urdu Objective Papers Intermediate FBISE 2013-14

Urdu Compulsory Guess Papers  HSSC Part 2 FBISE 2014

Part 2 of objective papers
Urdu Lazmi 5 Years Papers  HSSC 2 Federal Board 2014

Urdu 5 Five Years Past Papers Inter part 2 FBISE 2014

Urdu  Supplementary Papers  Intermediate FBISE 2014

Part 2 of Subjective

Urdu Model Papers of 2nd Year Federal Board 2013-14

Urdu Subjective Papers  2nd Year FBISE 2014


1 Comment

  1. Moiz

    Bhai,I requests you to provide solved past papers………… Thank you

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