Biology Model Guess Papers / Past Papers HSSC-I 1st Year FBISE for 2014

Subject Name : Biology

Level : HSSC -I Pre-Medical for First Year Students

Board : FBISE (Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education)

Type : Model Guess paper / Previous year papersΒ 

These will help you to find important questions / topics from your book and understand the pattern of paper.

This subject is difficult for students and have importance for Pre-medical students. The is paper is lengthy too but you should answer all questions too the point and don’t waste your time to explain extra details which are not required in question. It is not very tough subject but interesting.

Note that there are total 2 complete papers which are helpful for examination of 2014 and 2015.

1st paper start from here

Section A (Multiple Choice Questions of seventeen marks)Bio guess papers for federal board  FBISE biology paper for F.SC pre engg Section B – Short answers and C – (Long answers)
Biology Past paper for HSSC FBISE pre medical

2nd Paper of Biology 2014 start from here

First part Objective type MCQ’sBiology Past paper for HSSC FBISE pre medical Bio model paper for intermediate F.Sc medical 2014

As you see there is a possibility of diagrams in Biology paper. Diagrams labeling may be comes in MCQ’s or in short question. You should draw neat and clean labelled figures and diagrams in long questions too to gain more marks. Now see Section B and C for this 2nd BIO paper below :Biology Intermediate F.SC FBISE Model Guess paper 2014 Biology of HSSC Annual Examinations 2013 Part-1-page-007So these are past papers for Medical students of college / HSSC Part -1 FBISE. Your feedback and questions are welcome below. Best of luck for your annual exams.


  1. mishal

    but as our 1st year bio book is changed so can we get guide line from these papers…………….
    thank you.

    • aioupk

      ok. I will uploaded Guess questions from new books. Because all past papers are from old Bio book. So they may be not very helpful for you like before.

  2. ayesha

    send me a very impotant guess of boilogy for class 11xt year

  3. saman

    these 2 paperz r v.helpful….. so thnxs 4 it

    • aioupk

      hmm. Thanks..
      shukar hai, kisi ne tu tareef ki πŸ™‚
      other wise everyone saying here these are useless :-\

  4. Rabbia Naeem

    these are useless papers and it is a wastage of time

    • aioupk

      πŸ™ really…we prepare last 5 years past papers…
      what you think, in case if we have no time no prepare complete book now, from where we should prepare the shortcuts like guess papers or only important questions from every chapter. As you know, there is no chance to skip complete chapter now. In federal board they touch almost every chapter…
      Thank You.

  5. Rabbia Naeem

    we should get help from these papers

  6. Rabbia Naeem

    i will upload the papers of biology papers 2014

  7. ayesha

    kya ye papers new book ko le kar b guide line daitay hen ? plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz tell me

  8. mbalenhle

    these papers are usefull.thankx guys…..

  9. Jibranjamaldini

    It’s useful thanka

  10. moiz abdullah

    these are very helpful.thanku very much.realy appreciate ur work.

  11. Kashif javed

    Yar koi biology 1st year fedral board kay notes ke websites to bta do plz

  12. tariq aziz

    mujy important questions ki website dy plz

  13. samia malik

    Good these papers r very helpful thanks

  14. Sophi

    Plz upload guess papers for the hssc 1 board exams jo 28 april se hongy
    Especially chemistry ki new book se

  15. fizza khan

    please post the guess papers of biology new book….

  16. shehryar

    How can we open thizzz ??? And what iz the webside of new book model paperzzz

  17. awais khan

    koi or guess paper ha toh please upload kryn 28th ko paper ha nd tyari nhiiii πŸ™ πŸ™

    • Saleemjan MBBS

      No comment.Thanks so alot

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