Chemistry Past Model Papers of SSC II Matric Federal Board 2014


Standard :- Tenth , Matric 

   Course  : Chemisrty (Science Subject)

Board :- FBISE

Category:- Guess Papers , Solved and Supplementary Papers

Years :-  All including 2014

Paper Pattern of  Chemistry :-

 Chemistry paper pattern is the similar as other science courses including Bio , physics and others all have same . Chem have also practical which is also very important as it scheduled at the end of your theory paper . When we talk about theory paper it have 2 different parts . One called objective having twelve 12 Multiple choices . Nor over writing neither ink remover / whitener is allowed . Another second part is theory having although two major categories . In first category there are fifteen 15 short Ans ‘ s given in Question paper and the condition is to attempt just eleven 11 out of 15 . The answer should not exceed  three to four lines (3 – 4 ) . Second category is long in which three Q ‘ s given in paper all have A and B parts , you must attempt two any of them .

Information :-

Chemistry is a science subject . This is particularly difficult subject of matriculation level . Students should work hard from start of year to get good marks and for the sake of your preparation .


 Chemistry Old Objective Papers of 10th  FBISE 2014

Chemistry Past Papers SSC II Federal Board 2014

Chemistry Model Papers of Matric 10th Federal Board 2014


Chemistry Objective Papers 10th Federal Board 2014

Chemistry Past Years Papers of SSC Part II Federal Board 2013 2014
Chemistry Past Model Papers SSC Part 2 FBISE 2014

Chemistry Guess Papers of SSC 2  FBISE 2014 in Urdu
Chemistry Supplementary Papers Matric Federal Board 2014




Chemistry Old Past Papers of 10 Annual Examination Federal Board 2014
Chemistry Old Solved Papers SSC II 10th FBISE 2013-14

Chemistry Supplementary Past Papers Matric FBISE 2014
Chemistry Five Years Past Papers SSC II FBISE

Chemistry Past Guess Papers of Tenth Class
Chemistry Solved Guess Papers Matric Federal Board 2014

Chemistry Federal Board Past Papers in Urdu
Chemistry Solved Past Papers of Annual Examination 2014


  1. hira

    A.O.A ?? Kiya koe meri help karey ga ?

  2. hira bhatti

    Yahan koe science group matric ka student h to plzz mujhe reply Karey….?

    • waqar malik

      yes any problem u people share with me

    • aymZ

      yeah hira bhatti i m … !! hw can i help u ??

    • muhammadsaqib

      yes ma sience group ka student hu matric ka

    • Mehdi Shah

      me here science group matric ka student hun

  3. rushda ehsan

    buht hi boring guess han yr

  4. mohsin

    it is an emotional paper .i pray that our students passed in the annual exams

  5. komal

    borring guess ha yar kuch sahe batao i am very tense about chemistry paper uffffff

  6. Ahmad Ali Awan

    yarr mje sole paperz chahiye 10 k

  7. Ahmad Ali Awan

    koe mri help kere plzz and mje email kr dy

  8. Eisha

    I need 2014 final paper anybody help me

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