English Compulsory Past Papers for Class 11th – Federal Board HSSC-I 2014

Subject : English Compulsory 

Class : 11th Intermediate FA / F.Sc / I.Com First Year – HSSC-I

Board : FBISE Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education

Year : for 2013 and 2014

Type : Old Papers / Model Guess papers to Understand pattern of exams 

This paper includes grammar plus English A.

First Section is Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ’s) 20 Marks

English Compulsory FBISE First year Past papers 2014 English Compulsory FBISE First year old papers 2014 Second Part of English Paper includes Short questions and answers. Read Stanza and give short answers. It is from poem section, make sentences from phrasal verbs, punctuation and Translation from Urdu to English.   English Compulsory 1st year Guess paper model paper 2014 FBISE English Compulsory Model paper Old paper 2014 class 11th Supplementary English Paper 2014 for Exam Preparation  compulsory English Federal Board Papers 1st year 2014 English Compulsory of HSSC Annual Examinations 2013 Part-1-page-006 English Compulsory of HSSC Annual Examinations 2013 Part-1-page-007 English Compulsory of HSSC Annual Examinations 2013 Part-1-page-008As you see, there are two papers of English Comp. first one is Annual exam and other is improvement / supplementary paper. They are very helpful for your examination preparation. Good luck to all students.


    • Rabia

      ap ne jo information maangi kia inhoon ap ko di

  1. khizra afzal

    Kindly give the solution to the mcq’s section plzzzz

  2. saira

    Plzzzzzz give the solution of physics mcq’s plzzzzzzzzzzzz


      plzzzz give me your id i wanna share something to & from you.

    • Malik farhan

      I will miss u Nd send me nmbr me de Frind

  3. Rabia

    PLz mjy 1st year english k full poems k Quywstion answere dy dain {PLz

  4. Rabia

    PLz mjy 1st year english k full poems k Quywstion answere dy dain {PLz
    de dain

  5. Rabia

    1 st year English k importan Notes plz snd kr dain

  6. haider zia

    plzzzzzzzzz give solved papers of every subject

  7. waseem afridi

    sir agar koi answer 40 words least ho to answer k number miltay hain ya nahi

  8. Sarmad

    English paper kaisa download ker sakty hain

  9. Sarmad

    Sir plz English previous papers ke ashad zarurat hai .nawazish ker dain
    I shell be very thankfull to you

  10. Hamza Ahmad

    Thnx… mjhy bss thora idea cahiye tha k kis ptrn ka paper ay ga

  11. Talha Zahid

    Please send me the solutions of chemistry subjective papers…..

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