Ophthalmic Techniques Past Paper/Model Paper 2nd Year FBISE 2014


Course Name : Ophthalmic Techniques

Class :   Second Year

Paper:  Federal

Time  : 2013-14

Type :  Past/guess Papers 

 Description :-

Ophthalmic Techniques is the subject of irregular students , in other words a subject which generally institutes do not offer to their students due to some different reasons it may be due to their preferences to science or arts subjects so they generally neglect these subjects . But we have all papers of Ophthalmic or other relevant courses , because we always works according to the taste of students of all subjects whether they are private , regular . Either they are student of science or Arts , humanities or any other combination . The supplementary and other papers of this subject is given below . The Ophthalmic Techniques all past papers are arrange line wise including supplementary .


Objective of Ophthalmic Techniques 2nd Year FBISE

Ophthalmic Techniques HSSC II past Paper Ophthalmic Techniques Objective Inter Part 2Subjective Paper of  Ophthalmic Techniques HSSC-II Federal BoardOphthalmic Techniques subjective Old paper 2nd year


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