Class : HSSC 2
Course Name : Physics
Paper: Federal Education
Time :2013 , 2014 and Supplementary
Type : 5 Year Past , New and Model Papers
Useful Information:-
Physics is the the subject of science students.It is one of the difficult subject and candidates generally wants tuition and guidelines for this course . We fully know that most of time student could not passed it for first attempt . That’s the reason we also included supplementary papers along with their objective and subjective in both Urdu and English translation
Physics Examiner View (What Type of Paper will might be come in examination???) :-
The paper will conceptional and based on exercise questions that given at the end of you book. The board has clearly decided for the sake of students that major part of the paper will taken out from your text book that your institutes or colleges follow . Especially the short answers will put out from physics book exercises and numerical examples that are so important for the examiner point of view. The other most important thing is that the long theory answer and numeric part will must be come from same chapter . For example 1 long question comes from Chap one so it be compulsory that numerical part would also from chapter one.
Paper Pattern of Physics
The total marks of Physics paper is 85. The paper has three parts one is objective second is subjective and afterwards the third is Practical which is also the most important part. The objective have seventeen 17 Choose the correct answers called M C Q . After then it turn to main subjective paper it includes short , long theory as well as numerical .You have to attempt fourteen short out of nineteen . Long answers have A , B parts one is theory type other its contrast numeric type their marking depend on the examiner.
All papers of different years including Supplementary , past types and model papers along with their titles are below :
plzzzzzzz paper solved kar ke be den na unsolved to han……kuch answers nae mile raheeee………….
han solved mujhe bhi nahien mil rahe
thanks for giving me this type of information about the board pattern of 2nd year
mjhyy solved paperzz chahyeee plzzz
Need solved papers plz wo btyn
yr mje to kuj smj ni ai .aur pta b ni chl rha kia kron .plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me…………………………..
yr kia kron btao b??????????????????????????? saliha