Level : Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC Part 2 )
Subject Name : Radio graphic Techniques
Paper: Federal Education
Time : ( All Past Papers )
Type : Past/Old Papers
Description :-
Radio graphic Techniques is a subject of Inter level .It have all about the technology , different radio techniques , rays comes from planets or other things. The instruments that use for treatment in human body , different techniques are use for this purpose also called Radio graphic . You also learnt about different instruments x-rays and bio Machines. How they works? or their parts and how to control or manage them , Its all Radio graphic Techniques .
Paper View :
The paper is slightly long as compared other. The paper have thirty one 31 short Q / Ans , and have five Long parts. Moreover , it also have twenty 20 Choose the Correct Answers.
Attention :-
The Paper is very lengthy so its your duty that how manage your time , because time is very limited and the task is looking so difficult. So you have to adopt the strategy . The answer of any question may not be exceed more than three to four 3-4 lines. So do not waste your time if you feels that any question will may create problem , so just neglect these questions.
Objective of Radio graphic Techniques Past Paper HSSC Part 2 FBISE