Biology Past / Model Papers of 10th SSC Part 2 FBISE 2014


Class :- SSC II , Matric

   Subject  : BIOLOGY / BIO

Board :- Federal Board 

Category:- Past Papers ,  Guess Papers , Supplementary , Model and Five Years Papers 

Type :- English and Urdu All

Years of Papers:-  All Years as well as recent 2013 , 2014

Biology New Paper Pattern :-

The FBISE board declared the new pattern of science subject Biology according to it they follow same strategy as they had adopted last six years .The theory paper of Biology is sixty 60 Marks . The new Bio paper contains twelve MCQ ‘ s questions which contains 12 marks .  Meanwhile the most important sec is subjective one . It also have two categories . One is section B other is section C . You have to attempt any eleven out of fifteen short answers , the accurate and exact answers should be prefer buy Federal Board Education . In Section C , Answers any two Q ‘ s out of three 3 . All questions in Sec C have A , B and sometimes  C parts.

Below have Twelve 12 Papers including  the Annual Examination of 2013 , 2014 past papers in Urdu and English along with Supplementary papers with objective and subjective .

Description :

Biology is a science subject  , some students elected computer science or some prefer Bio  in matriculation level , which generally decide your career or in other words future studies or professional field . Once you select the computer science after then you never comes in Biology field or medical department but if you elected the Bio in matriculation school level then in your whole career you ever switch to computer or other technical field or Arts depend on your taste. Different Years and Guess papers are below for your help and improve your grade .

 Biology Past  Objective Papers of Matric Federal Board 2014


Biology Old Past paper SSC Annual Examination 2014 FBISE

 Biology Past Old Objective Papers of SSC Part 2 Federal Board 2014 in Urdu

Biology Objective Past papers SSC Part 2 Annual Examination FBISE 2014

 Biology Past  Past Model Papers of 10 Class Federal Board 2014


Biology Model papers SSC II Federal Board 2014

 Biology Past Papers of SSC II Federal Board 2014 in Urdu




Biology 5 Year Past papers 10th Annual Examination FBISE 2014




 Bio Supplementary  Objective Papers of Matric FBISE 2014

Biology Supplementary Past papers Matric Annual Examination FBISE 2014

Bio Supplementary  Old Papers of 10th FBISE 2014 in Urdu

Biology Old Past papers SSC Part 2 Annual Examination Federal Board 2014

Bio 5 Year Old Past Papers of Tenth Federal Board 2014

Biology Model papers Tenth Part 2 FBISE 2014

Biology Guess Papers of 10th Class Annual Examination FBISE 2014

Biology FiveYears Past papers SSC Part II Annual Examination FBISE 2014


Bio Guess Papers of Matric 10th Federal Board


Biology of SSC 2 Supplentary Paper in Urdu 2014 Biology 10th Class Past Papers FBISE 2014

Biology Subjective Model Papers of SSC Part II Federal Education

Biology 10th Class SSC 2 Model Papers FBISE 2014

Bio Urdu Guess Papers of Matric 2013- 2014

Biology 10th Class Old Model Papers FBISE 2014 in Urdu


  1. Tehseen zia zia

    Plz computer supplementary pass paper

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